DD is 10 months this week. I will be going back to work full time (probably between 8am-4pm or 9am-5pm) when she is 12 months old. I am thinking about dropping the lunchtime feed in preparation for this.
Currently DD has BF on WU, after first and 2nd naps (so really breakfast, lunch and dinner), and a small feed after her bath when getting ready for bed. She still has 1-2 small NF which I am still happy to do for now...
When I go back to work lunchtime BFs won't be happening! So to get us ready, I am thinking about starting to wean this feed.
DD is a pretty good eater, and is getting better all the time. We do BLW with a bit of assisted spoon feeding with the sloppy stuff. We have been putting BF before solids.
So, do I just bite the bullet and stop lunchtime BFs? Or do I ease into it, and skip a lunch BF every second day for a bit to see what happens?
Should I offer a cup of formula with lunch, or seeing she is so close to 12 months, can I give a small cup of cows milk at just this meal? She normally has water in a cup at meals.
DD had formula and BFs from birth-2 months, and now has cows milk in cereal ok. She loves cheese and plain yoghurt. Seeing she eats dairy in form of cheese/yoghurt can I just give DD water at lunchtimes?
I have always been a useless expresser even with a good electric pump, so that's not going to be an option.
So many questions! Any advice appreciated. Thank you!!