would really love some advice/help for very spirited 3 year old daughter.
i did post recently, but probbaly in a round about way.
my daughter has always been an early riser normally btween 600am-630am even as a baby, i think we have only ever had a 7am once
approx june, it started to get really hard or really too late for a day sleep, we did 1 hour of 'quiet time' and she would go to bed earlier and she was doing ok, however she started kindy 130pm-330pm 4 afternoons a week, so i reinstated a day sleep at 12'sh fro 40 min to an hoour, and she would even ask for this.
now we have night wakings+++ form coming to our room, asking to go to the loo etc, this has been happenign for 3 months, no more 'sleeping though the night'.
yesterday she didnt have a day sleep she woek at 620am and she was in bed at 550pm and out to it at 6pm, she woke at 10pm and was awake fro 2 horus! and then woke at 55am.
so it wither is like that, or up asking for water, etc etc!
i;'m tto scared now to do 'no nap' afetr last night, that was OT right? but she gets so tired and is extremely busy.
so today she went don at 1130am and she woek an hour later. am confused. am i making things worse for her?
ideas please xx