Hello, welcome to BW
1.5hr A time for a 3 month old is around 'average', this link shows you the approx times for age
Is my baby ready to increase his A time? (incl. 'A' times for younger babies)bare in mind they are approx, each baby is different and the EASY routine allows for individual needs. As such it can be normal and healthy for one LO to have equal length A times and naps throughout the day but totally normal and healthy for another LO to have slightly different length A times and naps across the day. For example my LO always did better with a long first A a long first nap, his last A of the day (leading up to BT) was the shortest of the day.
The 45 min nap can signal either than LO has not yet learned how to transition from one sleep cycle into another independently so therefore wakes up. Has your LO ever had a nap longer than 45 min without your help?
If LO has been napping independently for some time and naps reduce to 45 min this can signal UT (under tiredness), basically LO is tired enough to fall to sleep but not tired enough to transition into the next sleep cycle so wakes up. They can appear happy and refreshed initially although later on can look tried and get grouchy because the nap wasn't long enough to be restorative.
Feel free to post your current EASY times for us to look at.