Please help! My 19 mo old DS is regressing in many areas! He was normally a good sleeper, went down 7-730 and would wake between 6-7. For the last month or so he has gradually been getting up earlier and earlier. This week it has been before 5:30. He wakes up, stands up, and cries loudly. This is how I know he's still tired, plus, if I rock him he will sleep in my arms for at least another 30 minutes. He wakes immediately and cries if I try to put him back in his crib.
Naps have also been a challenge lately. He normally was napping one time for 2-3 hours a day. For the last week he's been waking early (after 60-90 minutes) But if I hold/rock him he will sleep more in my arms.
It also seems like he's been eating less at every meal. I've been trying to cut back on the snacks so he'll be hungry at dinner, but for the last couple of weeks, he is just not the eater he used to be. He still gets a bottle before bed.
He's a super active little guy and I try my best to exhaust him
Here is his basic schedule:
5-6:30 wake
12:45-1 nap (usually 2-3 hours, but lately waking early)
7-7:30 bed
Any and all input is appreciated. TIA!