How old is your dd? The BW book recommends cluster feeding until somewhere around 8 (maybe 12?) weeks (can't quite remember). My dd1 and my ds were natural cluster feeders as they were just so fussy in the early evening that I ended up feeding more often to keep them content. It would look something like feeding at 7, 10, 1, 4, 5/6, and 7 -- just throwing another feed in between the last two. The book actually suggests something like feeding at 7, 10, 1, 4, 7, 9, and 10/11 (dream feed) -- dd2 would do this as a baby -- she would go to sleep around 7 and wake around 9 and I would feed her then -- she dropped this a few weeks in.
The general idea is just to add an extra feed or two to tank up the baby in order to get a longer stretch of sleep at night. Does that help?