Author Topic: Help needed with 13wo please!  (Read 964 times)

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Offline Nb1984

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Help needed with 13wo please!
« on: October 18, 2012, 16:09:30 pm »
Hi there,

This is my 2nd baby and he is doing really well but the mornings keep throwing our EASY schedule out of routine!

Today he woke at 5am...I tried to resettle him with water as if I let him have milk he then won't take anything at 7 (my preferred start time of the day!) he went totally nuts at the water so I have in and offered him 3oz of milk (half his usual feed), as I didn't want him to wake my 2yo as he has done a few times now!!

He took 1oz, went back to sleep and I woke him at 730 and he refused milk until 8.30!

He is feeding every 3.5hours and takes a really good feed, so I know he doesn't actually need night milk, I just don't know how to resettle him to get EaSY on track!!

Thank you!

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Re: Help needed with 13wo please!
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2012, 18:06:59 pm »
Hi, sorry no one replied to you yet.

How does the rest of the night look like? Is he still feeding at other times during the night? Is he falling asleep independently for naps and BT? Do you sometimes need to settle and if so how are you doing it? With pat/shh?

Sorry for all the questions, I just need a bit more info :)
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Offline Nb1984

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Re: Help needed with 13wo please!
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2012, 18:37:56 pm »

Thanks ever so much!

The rest of the night is pretty good, he has a dream feed at 10.30pm and sleeps until anywhere between 3 and 5.
Yes he is doing really well at falling asleep at naps and bedtimes, we had a slight regression last week but he's been fab again the last few days.
If I have to settle him during a nap, it's usually just cos my daughter has been a bit noisy or something has woken him up, all I have to do is pop a dummy in and pop my hand on his chest very briefly, and he is really good at re-settling himself.

Thanks so much for your help, ask any questions you'd like!!xxx

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Re: Help needed with 13wo please!
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2012, 18:45:35 pm »
Ok, if things are like that (and they sound great, TBH) and IIWY I'd feed at 5.
It's still ok at his age to want a NF besides the DF, my DS was the same and really, if it gives you a couple more hours of sleep with easy settling after the feed then why not?
Yes, there is the morning feed issue. Don't worry about it. You can offer him a bottle when he wakes up, if he will be hungry he will take some and if not, not. If he didn't take any or not enough in the morning feed and you don't want to throw your day away in regards to feeding, you can offer him another bottle in the middle of the A, even 30min before his nap and then you just go back to your EASY.
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Offline Nb1984

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Re: Help needed with 13wo please!
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2012, 19:17:45 pm »
Ok fab, thank you!!

God I wish I could get a bit more sleep but my 2yo is then up at 6.30 haha!

I think i am worried cos he has reflux and has just been changed onto nutramigen AA as they think he has a cows milk Intolerance, and they said I need to be careful he gets all his milk in!

Thanks so much!x

Offline Ima shel Alon

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Re: Help needed with 13wo please!
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2012, 10:29:51 am »
If you feed at 5 would he spit it out?
How long has he been on it? Do you see a change?
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