Hi! My name is Lauren and my little guy's name is Thomas. We are transitioning him into his crib from the Nap Nanny, and so far it's as to be expected!
Thomas is on the 4 hour EASY routine and it's going pretty well. He falls asleep well during naps and bad time, but wakes frequently. He is a binkie baby, so I am not ready to take that away yet, but rather use it along with PU/PD.
He hasn't needed to eat in the middle of the night for a few weeks now, but last night he woke at 3:30 (around the time he used to feed) and was clearly starving. He was fed and happy. He takes 7 oz. per bottle, and I recently started giving 8 (that seems like A LOT to me!!) during the day. I will be starting him on cereal soon as I can't wrap my head around giving a 4 month old 8 ounces!!
I guess my first (of many down the line, I'm sure!) question is: is 4 months a growth spurt age? If so, that would really explain his frequent waking and wanting to eat when he didn't used to. Also, what are others' thoughts on 8 ounces per feed?!
Thanks SO much!