Author Topic: Swaddled 9wo has a huge startle reflex.HELP  (Read 615 times)

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Swaddled 9wo has a huge startle reflex.HELP
« on: November 02, 2012, 02:04:01 am »
Me again,
my baby is still sleeping on me the best but since I had enough today I put him in his cot awake and we did shush/pat.He cried I picked him up ,patted him and put him down again continuing the patting.
He feel asleep and I stayed there to watch him.He has a massive strartle reflex and wakes up because of it.
He is swaddled and just by me putting a hand on his chest he went to sleep again.
Do I double swaddle him? what are solutions are there?
I have yet to figure out what personality my baby is but I am thinking spirited.
Thank you for your help :)

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Re: Swaddled 9wo has a huge startle reflex.HELP
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2012, 04:01:40 am »
If you're able to, I'd do holding through the jolts (httj) until he's past the jolts and into deeper sleep.  It normally takes about 15-20 minutes...

The moro reflex normally disappears around 3 months of age.  I know my kids still kind of startled even after that age, but they no longer would wake themselves up from it.  I also noticed that the jolts were more likely to wake them up if they were overtired or overstimulated.

What kind of swaddle do you use?  Maybe there's a different one you could try if you're not able to do httj?
*formerly tersaseda*