Author Topic: Do toddlers wake in the night due to hunger???????  (Read 7896 times)

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Do toddlers wake in the night due to hunger???????
« on: October 22, 2012, 21:56:27 pm »
Just that, really.

My 18 month old has been having a nw on some nights and I though she was hungry. I was told, however, that they do not tend to wake hungry at this age. On reflection, my hubby and I decided it's not hunger - she's just got used to the bottle to help her settle.

She ate well at nursery today, but their tea is at 3.30pm. She wasn't interested in anything I gave her at 5.30pm (I tried something different to what I'd normally give her - that she eats at nursery I might add!). She didn't want any fruit/yoghurt when I asked her so we went straight to bt routine. Had about 7 of the 9 oz bt milk (normally drinks it all).

Then woke crying at 10am and wanted milk!! Bloody hell!

Sure she was hungry!??? xxx

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Re: Do toddlers wake in the night due to hunger???????
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2012, 00:04:26 am »
At that age I don't think a toddler wakes from hunger but they might want something through habit or if they are so upset and crying that they work up a hunger, you know like if you are up late at night you eventually get peckish for a pack of jaffa cakes (or is that just me?).

The only time I would say a toddler would be hungry at night would be during or after illness.  I was taken by surprise when DS woke at 10/11 months with hunger following an illness.  I didn't know what a hunger cry sounded like until then.

My DS occasionally needs a sip of water if he wakes at night and I know for sure he has no habit.  Do you think it could be thirst rather than hunger?  Maybe offer a cup of water after or alongside the BT milk?

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Re: Do toddlers wake in the night due to hunger???????
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2012, 20:50:23 pm »
My DS is a picky eater and sometimes refuses dinner. He never wakes hungry at night as a result but usually will end up waking early the next morning telling me his stomach hurts (at which point of course I explain that it hurts because he is hungry and didn't eat dinner!)
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: Do toddlers wake in the night due to hunger???????
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2012, 05:11:16 am »
Creations, I read this a few days ago on my Touch and never got round to replying. But...

We offered LJ a cup of water after 3oz of milk on Wednesday night and she had some. Wow! Wasn't expecting that! She's always turned down water in the night before so hadn't tried 'this time round'. Again on Thursday night too! She STTN last night. She does STTN sometimes anyway. She was up a few times on Thursday night, but there were other issues. Although I don't know whaT! Thank you! Going to offer her 2oz next time (followed by water) for a couple of times and then replace the milk with the water.

Having read your post, my DH and I did debate why offer her water AFTER as she surely would not be interested. We thought about giving her it first, but then decided we would probably set up a situation where she plain refuses the water.

Thanks for your thoughts too, Mom to M&M.

Lots of people on here say they don't wake due to hunger. I think LJ's probably waking thirsty most of the time (and we've conditioned her to want milk!), but am still not sure about her not being hungry on the 10pm occasions described in my first post.


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Re: Do toddlers wake in the night due to hunger???????
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2012, 06:14:30 am »
I don't think they'd wake because of hunger but if something stirs them and they come into light sleep they might feel hunger and it'd wake them up more fully. There have been times I've woken in the night and felt starving to the point where I've had to get up and eat a slice of bread. Other times gone to bed hungry and STTN. I just think it depends upon what type of quality sleep you're having if you stir, temporarily wake up and feel hungry. Does any of that make sense?? It did in my mind! :P


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Re: Do toddlers wake in the night due to hunger???????
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2012, 07:00:56 am »
At 18 months they can had have odd sleep stuff going on. I remember a couple if nights giving Olly banana in the middle if the night after trying everything else and that settling him! Guess this was a one of for you?

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Re: Do toddlers wake in the night due to hunger???????
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2012, 08:28:13 am »
I agree, Nicola! I sometimes wake feeling hungry but wouldn't want to get out of bed and eat something!  And yes, it did make sense.

Agree with you too, Buntybear. I think it's the 18 month regression. Or at least, tbh, I hope it is! It was a one off - well at least it only happens occasionally. There are times she doesn't eat much and is fine.

Still reducing the milk. Woke at 4.15am this morning and gave her milk in the hope of resettling, but that is a whole different post. Should be down to 2oz, but hubby did 3oz. Which I wasn't complaining about as in my mind the more she had the more likely she was to resettle at that time! She didn't!

So 2oz tomo with water (if she wakes) and then after 3 days - zilch milk! Oh dear. Staying positive :) xxx

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Re: Do toddlers wake in the night due to hunger???????
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2012, 20:44:59 pm »
Snowbird, our nw are shocking (loving 18m Regression/development!!)

DD HAS recently been ill, but she IS waking from
Hunger, she is actually asking me for bread then wolfing down two slices!!!...

I am not say yr DD is the same, but I know I would expect a nw from mine if she ate at 3.30, then had nothing else.

We do tea and still always offer a slice of toast after bath.... Her interest in it depends, sometimes she just want a bf, others she will have a bit and some nights (like tonight) she will have the lot!!

Maybe wait until as late as poss before offering something plain but filling (like toast)? In my mind I would rather waste bread and let her refuse than wonder if she wants it iykwim?

I actually wondered today if she is having a growth spurt!!

Any chance nursery could reduce her 3.30 meal a bit... ??

Love and adore my perfect little textbook/touchy DD
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Re: Do toddlers wake in the night due to hunger???????
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2012, 07:31:11 am »
I think milk is comforting and they will often accept it even if they aren't hungry or are a little bit.

My son (2 and a half) was waking regularly for cuddles in the night.  Things improved though when we put a warmer duvet on his bed (he still had his cotbed duvet but I suddenly realised with the sides off it must be cooler).

Personally I don't and never have got into the habit of giving milk, water, anything in the night after 12 months.  Call me mean but in some ways when you have sips of something in the night, you get used to it so you wake up hungry because you're used to having something at that time, like if you're used to a morning snack, you get hungry mid morning.  It's routine rather than 'real' hunger.
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Re: Do toddlers wake in the night due to hunger???????
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2012, 11:37:04 am »
I agree with all posts against giving.. I am now worried it's getting habit so I am no example!!:))

Love and adore my perfect little textbook/touchy DD
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Re: Do toddlers wake in the night due to hunger???????
« Reply #10 on: October 31, 2012, 14:37:06 pm »
You know what even if it is a bad habit, all habits can be broken!
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Re: Do toddlers wake in the night due to hunger???????
« Reply #11 on: October 31, 2012, 18:52:47 pm »
:-) thanks!!

Love and adore my perfect little textbook/touchy DD
Born April 10th 2011...thank you to Dh for such an amazing gift after only 1 year of marriage!

Offline snowbird

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Re: Do toddlers wake in the night due to hunger???????
« Reply #12 on: October 31, 2012, 21:22:14 pm »
Quote (selected)
DD HAS recently been ill, but she IS waking from
Hunger, she is actually asking me for bread then wolfing down two slices!!!...

Bless her! LJ scoffed her tea down so quickly tonight, i felt awful. She was obviously starving and I'd not given her enough in the afternoon :(

Quote (selected)
Maybe wait until as late as poss before offering something plain but filling (like toast)? In my mind I would rather waste bread and let her refuse than wonder if she wants it iykwim?

Totally agree with this. I always do this.

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Any chance nursery could reduce her 3.30 meal a bit... ??

She'll still eat something at half 5 after her 3.30 tea at nursery.

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I think milk is comforting and they will often accept it even if they aren't hungry or are a little bit.

Totally! It is habit and comfort, but I've not really been too bothered. She got so so upset and screamed the place down and if that's what she needs then so be it. She's only little.

Accept that this needs to change now and am nearly at the point of withdrawal and just offering water instead. Still dreading it, but we'll all survive. Like you say, habits can be broken - with consistency!
