Hey Lolly,
Sorry about the late reply, super busy around here (way too tired to even look at the computer)!! I really appreciate your thoughts though! There are other things that started around the same time that are leading me to believe that it might be teething related. He started waking every hour (yup, every hour) at night, chewing like crazy on his fingers, red cheeks, and tons of crankiness during the day.
I feed him every 3.5-4 hours unless it is a short nap, then I do 3 hours. I only feed him maybe 2-3 times a week at night (only if he is hungry and often have nights that he isn't). What he usually does is feed (for anywhere from 2-5oz) and then just bites down hard on the nipple for maybe 10 seconds, then again and again...It has been less now that I have been giving him pain meds...
I am using Dr Brown's bottles, Level 3 with almost Level one thickened formula.
Today he started doing the biting thing even when he didn't have the bottle in his mouth, so maybe not fully feeding related
Thanks again Lolly!!!