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MPI and digestive enzymes
« on: November 26, 2012, 02:59:08 am »
Has anyone used digestive enzymes successfully to help MPI LO's tolerate dairy? to help digest the milk proteins (not the lactase which I know is a different story).

I read this article but I have no clue how reliable / correct it is. If anyone has BTDT please share your experience!

« Last Edit: November 26, 2012, 03:02:20 am by *Elise* »

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Re: MPI and digestive enzymes
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2012, 22:36:27 pm »
Not come across these so hope there is someone that can post for you x

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Re: MPI and digestive enzymes
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2012, 11:27:52 am »
hey elise!!!  was your DC diagnosed with an enzyme deficiency?  we are still in the throes of investigation over here but my GI told me that she and her staff nutritionist have some suspicions that my DS may have a sucrose deficiency...but since is he doing fairly decently going milk and dairy free we are going to wait on further testing.  she did mention that in 6 months if he still cannot tolerate either and all other testing is negative we may have to go down the road for enzyme testing and she did mention treating him with enzymes if he is found to be deficient.  what are you finding out?

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Re: MPI and digestive enzymes
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2012, 14:43:41 pm »
hi chicagomom! :)

Yes my DS has an enzyme deficiency - called CSID (congenital sucrase isomaltase deficiency) which is also sometimes called sucrose intolerance. Basically sucrase digests sucrose, which is found in table sugar and many fruits and vegetables, and isomaltase digests starch found in potatoes, pasta, bread, etc.

There is a FDA-approved supplement for sucrose which is called Sucraid but we currently do not have access to it here in Canada. There is also a natural product to help with starch digestion which we have started using since last week and we already have a tremendous improvement. It's called Kirkman's Carbdigest enzymes. I can't believe the difference with my DS already.

CSID can be genetic, or it can result from a trauma to the digestive tract.

To test for it they need to do a scope, and take biopsies which will be sent to the lab to measure 4 specific enzymes to digest complex sugars  -lactase, maltase, palatinase and sucrase. I believe they can also do something called a hydrogen breath test, which is less invasive, but my DS was too young for that. When it's not genetic usually all enzyme levels will be low (including lactase).

Here is a site with more info on CSID and there is also a facebook and yahoo group which I can give you the link for if you're interested. I've done tons of research on that so feel free to PM me if you need more info.

I was reading up on enzymes after having such an improvement and I came accross that article which I found interesting. I haven't trialled dairy yet, DS has been off dairy since 2 months old, and he's not yet having a varied diet so we're waiting until he has a good diet before we try dairy but I will probably consider adding a multi-enzyme when I do in case it helps.

So your DS is doing much better now?

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Re: MPI and digestive enzymes
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2012, 15:44:00 pm »
Yes this is he same thing my GI suspects but my DS prob won't cooperate with the breath test and we are not ready to scope him. I meant to say that my DS is dairy and GLUTEN free which is definitely helping. I am sorry you can't get sucraid but that is great news about the natural product!

Is your DS's case genetic? My DS's problems strted after a GI virus so that is interesting that trauma can cause this. Wht foods is your Ds eating? How has he improved with the natural enzyme?

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Re: MPI and digestive enzymes
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2012, 15:52:50 pm »
my DS prob won't cooperate with the breath test

yeah when they are young it is not very reliable :( I totally get wanting to avoid the scope though. in time you can see if it becomes necessary or not.

Is your DS's case genetic?

the GI thinks so because his lactase levels are really fine - usually when it is genetic the lactase will be fine, but when it is from trauma the lactase will be low too.  so I guess it could be a possibility that your DS is lactose intolerant now rather than MPI? have you tried lactose-free milk at all? his other enzyme levels though are higher than they would be in a true form of CSID - they are just below the normal levels. we have yet to do the genetic test, we're waiting to hear back from the genetic drs.

Wht foods is your Ds eating?

right now, chicken, turkey, green beans, zucchini and pears. so a very limited diet but he was not even eating at all 1.5 months ago so that's a great improvement for us :)

How has he improved with the natural enzyme?

his poops are so much thicker and formed. it used to be that he didn't have diarrhea but his poos were always very soft, liquidy-type (except when he reacted from too much sucrose he would get horrible diarrhea with bleeding bum). his mood is also better and he's eating more than he ever did. :)


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Re: MPI and digestive enzymes
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2012, 16:07:18 pm »
Interesting. Your DS's poops sound a LOT like my DS.  The last time we tried lactose free we ended up with diarrhea so that was a no go. Our GI wants us to wait 6 months hen do a very controlled reintroduction of food and if he still can't tolerate we will seriously consider the scope...unless something else happens in the meantime and in that case we will likely be more aggressive.

My DS also has eczema so the GI feels we are likely dealing with some kind of allergy. He is having allergy testing tomorrow so we will see...

Your DS's diet doesn't sound too bad 1 most kids only like 5 things anyway! :)

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Re: MPI and digestive enzymes
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2012, 16:14:51 pm »
Yeah i thought it was just the way his poops were but now I know it wasn't.

if you're interested I'll send you the link to the yahoo and facebook groups, there's lots of helpful mommies on there and tons of info on this.

hopefully you get some results with the allergy testing. :)

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Re: MPI and digestive enzymes
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2012, 18:08:37 pm »
i would love the info, elise, thanks!  :)

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Re: MPI and digestive enzymes
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2012, 18:11:46 pm »
Here you go.   You'll see there are lots of files and links and other infos, and feel free to post the ladies are super helpful.

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions about this :)!/groups/298473723542030/