Thanks - sorry I haven't jumped back here. We've been too busy!
I think the nap refusal is OT. If we miss the window or have too much activity right before nap he gets way too wound up and won't fall asleep. It happened again on Saturday (the whole family was home and lots was going on), and we let him cry and would go in and put him back down a few times. It took over an hour, but he got the message and finally fell asleep. Granted, it was a lousy nap but at that point 30 min. was better than nothing!
He has had some EW but no NW. We've figured out the magic bedtime (6:45 on the dot) for a 11.5 hr night and the magic naptime (12:45 on the dot!) for at least an hour and a half nap. He probably has too much A time but with the older daughter we just try to make due.
Thanks for the support - these things do tend to work themselves out, but I was worried that I was missing something. I'm always late with the milestones and don't realize it's time to adjust the schedule until it's too late! Now we have some fairly serious daddy attachment to tackle. Ugg. Not sure I want to go there, but it must be done!