We have been exactly one week back and my toddler (almost 2) is still OT. There were 6 h time difference and to make it worse, he got sick 5 days after arriving.
The first 3 nights where bad, the 4th night he finally slept in his bed and by the 5th day he woke up ill and we were back to zero. Now he wakes up at 9.30, takes a nap 12-13.30 and by 7.pm he is tired and it's bed time. I'll sing for him 10 Min. and he is asleep. No drama or anything. Normally he sleeps 7pm - 7am. Until this point his day is back to the normal routine but: after to hours sleep he wakes up and can't sleep back again. He stays in his bed with eyes wide open and wants ME to be on hisl side. This take. Hours and he never sleeps again. I get tired and sometime after 3-4 hours take him. With me to our bed. there he is quite and sleeps don't know when because I fall asleep. I tried today to see what happens if I leave his door iopen. It doesnt work. I tried taking him to the living room with me, he is half awake and not really happy either. Putting him back in his bed is impossible if I'm notstaying the whole nig ht there. What I am doing wrong? How long is this going to last? Please help me!