Author Topic: 18 months - wwyd?  (Read 783 times)

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Offline Jocelyne

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18 months - wwyd?
« on: December 18, 2012, 21:44:36 pm »
My 18-month old needs better naps. With the holidays I've got the time to invest in some consistency without having to run my 8-year-old to his classes right at nap.

Right now my toddlers day loos like this:

Up 6:30ish (within 15-minutes either way)
Breakfast 7:30
Snack 9:30/10:00
Lunch 11:30/12:00
Nap right after lunch but only sleeps maybe an hour, but if I lay down with him he'll sleep another hour, he is clearly tired. This is what needs to change :)
Snack 3:00ish
Dinner 5:30/6:00 followed by a bath and then bed
Asleep for the night between 6:30/7:00

If he woke up happy after an hour nap I'd be fine, but he wakes up clearly in need of more sleep and never recovers for a pleasent afternoon. Should I nap him later? He is tired at lunch, but maybe not tired enough?

I'm willing to tweak my schedule a bit if I need to. Once the holidays are over he'll be back to at least one wonky nap time per week (my son has a class that we leave for at 12:45 and just messes him up for the day).

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Re: 18 months - wwyd?
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2012, 08:48:13 am »
I would aim for about 5.5 hours A and take it from there so if he is up at 6.30am try 12pm for the nap (asleep by).
I find with DD if she is OT she will only sleep about an hour.

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