Author Topic: 2.5month old EASY  (Read 683 times)

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2.5month old EASY
« on: December 16, 2012, 19:09:23 pm »
Hello all... DD is 2.5 weeks old and I am unsure what to do about our routine. She is FF and has been on EASY since birth.

Since I brought her home she has been a great night sleeper and has both good and bad nap days. However I have also been waking her up every 3 hours during daytime hours to feed her, but not after BT, I just let her do her thing. She is STTN 8-7am most nights with more frequently occuring NWs between 3-5am. Sometimes she can be resettled, other times I give up and feed her, but then it tosses our routine out the window.

I am wondering if its a problem with our routine, or maybe she is ready to be on a 3.5hour EASY.
I still wake her to eat, as it usually convientent for what DS (17month) routine allows. I am also afraid to let her sleep, as then she may want to eat her calories at night and I definetly dont want that!

Our day is typically:
7am- 5-6oz (there are days when I wake her up at 7 to preserve our routine)
820- nap (sometimes she needs a dummy replug part way, other times she self- settles)
10am- 4-5oz
1115- nap(she usually has lots of resettles between 12/1230)
1pm- 5-6oz
215- nap (no resettles required)
4pm- 5-6oz
515- Cat Nap
630 wake up from nap
645- 5-6oz
7pm- Bath
730/745 in her crib usually asleep by 8pm.

What are everyones thoughts?

Offline Ima shel Alon

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Re: 2.5month old EASY
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2012, 09:40:56 am »
I think she is ready for more A time, perhaps 10-15min more. Most babies her age are doing 1.5h A time and if it's an increase she needs then your naps will be better.
Re the NF, it's very normal to still feed at this age. My DS was FF and fed at night till 5m. If you feed her she settles back to sleep? If she does that most chances she is hungry and if NW between 3 and 5 are so frequent (without feeding her) then it's another indication it's hunger. Why did you say it throws your EASY out the window?
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Offline MommyMoulton

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Re: 2.5month old EASY
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2012, 12:53:32 pm »
If I feed her in the motn she then only eats a part bottle at 7am, which then after a time she doesn't last so I lay her down slightle early, but then she is very unsettled for her naps and always wakes early and acts starving but again hardly eats

Offline Ima shel Alon

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Re: 2.5month old EASY
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2012, 13:32:29 pm »
That happens often, that LO doesn't take a full feed in the morning if they had a NF which is in the early morning. You can try and top up before nap and feed again when she wakes up from her first nap to go back on track.
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