Author Topic: 14 Month old waking 3 or 4 hours after going to bed to come in with us - HELP!  (Read 2489 times)

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Offline EmGM

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our 14 month old has always been very good with sleeping & naps, very much a textbook baby with everything to be honest. At about 12.5/13 months he began to wake about 3 or 4 hours after his bedtime & would sit up or stand up screaming till we came in, I'm back working again & to save my sleep I did what lots of us do & took him in with us, he goes to sleep straight away. He also started having the occasional night where he wouldn't be able to go to sleep until 10/11pm sometimes. (His usual bedtime is 7.30pm) I pushed his afternoon nap earlier so that his awake time until bedtime was longer, this worked for a while for the late bedtime problem but didn't seem to have an effect on the occasional night waking. Fastforward 6 weeks and the night waking is every night, only settles when he comes in with us, I dismissed transitioning from 2 to 1 nap as he was still waking at the same time in the mornings not early mornings as many suggest they do when ready to transition. Only the last 2 weeks has he had problems with 1 or 2 of his naps so I started the transition from 2 to 1 naps about 10 days ago, so far so good although the last 2 days we have gone from 2 to 1 the last 2 days. The late bedtime problem seems to have been reslved with this transition (yay - so far anyway!) but he is still waking every night 3 or 4 hours after we put him down, sits upright or stands screaming until I get him, bring him in with us and he goes straight to sleep again but won't settle for love for money in his own cot. I'm going to try the walk in and walk out method tonight when he wakes and will continue until he hopefully stays asleep in his own bed but wondered if anyone had any other ideas about why he might be doing iot or anything else that could help?
He goes to sleep on his own (has a dummy) within minutes of putting him down for either a sleep or nap (now that the late bedtime problem is sorted anyway :)) so at a loss as to why he wakes similar time every night!
His routine now:
7am wake up
Breakfast etc...
11am Snack before his nap
11.30am nap at the mo, still transitioning so between 1.5/2.5 hrs)
2.15pm lunch
3.30pm snack
5.30 tea
7.30 bedtime

Other things to note: we are trying various medicine (Gaviscon & Ranitidine) at the mo as he has always been 'breathy with a constant cough' so we & the docs think he may have silent reflux, been on Gaviscon for about 5 weeks & Ranitdine for 1 week.
He has just started walking so lots of developmental stuff going on for him at the mo.

Any ideas or thoughts on it would be appreciated, I am dreading the next few nights of walk in walk out when he wakes but know it is time to do it so any help is welcome!
Thank you
Emily, mum to beautiful Harrison and expecting baby number 2 in Mar '13 :)

Offline Lolly

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Hello and welcome!

First of all waking pre-midnight is generally because of OT, given that he's just transitioning to one nap the 7.30 bedtime may be too  late - I would try a 6.30 bedtime for at least a week and see if that helps.

How much does he weigh and what dose of ranitidine is he on? My two refluxers were both still on ranitidine at that age but it is very weight sensitive so if his dose isn't high enough it may not be doing much.


Offline EmGM

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Well he's on 0.7ml & he's 26 lbs, we're back at the docs to review it early this week so will double check its enough etc... Will give the EBT a go aswell to see if it is OT & that helps.
I tried a bit of W2S before we went to bed & about half hour before the time he starts to wake from & he didn't wake until 1.50am, I have him some water, then the WI /WO started, took about 25 mins (and goodness knows how many walk in there) before he stopped his crying, I listened over the monitor & when I thought he was asleep I went in to check on him about 15 mins later - disaster he was still awake had just stopped crying! Anyway another little hug & kiss & telling him its sleep time and tears & crying only lasted 5 mins, currebtly listening over the monitor again to make sure hes asleep before i go to sleep myself. I feel so cruel, just hope it works!

Offline Lolly

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At 26lbs he's nearly 8kg, the dosing range for ranitidine is 2-4mg per kg and the syrup is generally 15mg per ml. The dose rang for a 7.5kg baby is 1-2ml and for an 8kg baby is 1.1 - 2.1 so he's not even having 2mg per kg so I doubt that that is doing much for him.

Well done - 25 mins for a first atempt is good!

How was the rest of the night?


Offline EmGM

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Well we got through the night without any more waking thank goodness :) and he woke at 6.30am so only slightly earlier then usual.
He fell asleep after about an hour awake in total with the first 25 mins crying then the other little bout of 5 mins so all in all was not too bad really, will do the same again for the next few nights & hopefully will get him out of the habit, if that's all it is.. When I go to the doctors tomorrow I'll mention about the doseage, the doctor was having 'a moment' when working out how much he should have so I'm not surprised its not enough, she did say she was worried about giving him too much - doctors can be sooo useless!
i am going to give an earlier bedtime a go tonight aswell, Thank you for your advice on it do far :)

Offline Lolly

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Hope you have a good day!

Have a look at this link you have to click on a disclaimer link at the bottom but it will take you to a dosing page - you could always print it out and take it with you ;)


Offline EmGM

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Well we've got over the coming into bed with us.... But we now have strange night wakings throughout the night in its place! He is waking up 2/3 times through the night, sitting up but with eyes shut and crying, I lay him back down, sometimes give him some water if simply laying down doesn't work, I give him his dummy abd he generally falls back to sleep straight away. It's as if he's still half asleep so my instinct is telling me he's definitely OT as you mentioned Laura, wondering now if he's not ready for transition to 1 nap? Any one else had experience of these kind of wakings before? What they might be & how best to help solve them?

We have been doing a slightly EBT, but as he was sleeping 3 hrs most days over 2 naps before the transition, I'm wondering if an EBT & 1 nap is enough or if he should go back to the old schedule until more signs he's ready to transition come along?
Emily :)