5.5 month old....
How does this work? I've got her on a four hour EASY, or I did anyway. But if she's a chronic cat napper, how do I stay on EASY? The only thing that's really stuck is the E...she eats like clock work every four hours, providing she's not sleeping.
She is going through some things yes, but she's always been queen cat napper.
A quick wrap up of our day..
After a terrible sleep (woke up every two hours, not fussing, just awake and hard to put back to sleep), she was up at 4am til 6, napped until 915am, I fed her, she had a 45 min nap from 1045-1130, activity til 1pm, slept in car seat when we were out from 1-1:45 pm, ate, stayed up until 530pm, slept 20 mins, we brought her in house from being out, she woke right up crying her head off ( OT) I think.
Would I still try to put her to sleep at this point? It's 630pm and she's still fighting us, not going down. She is up now, playing but is tired. Her BT is never before nine pm, way too late but this has always been her pattern. Last night it was 11 pm before she went down, and she woke up at 2am , then again at 4 am and so on ...
Sorry for all the info, I'm trying to quickly jot this all down before she has another melt down.
I feel discouraged now. I am starting to wonder if maybe trying to have her on a routine is not right for her, maybe she's just a super challenging baby and I have to go by her cues? I dunno...I want to give up on everything altogether. I try to keep telling myself this is temporary, perhaps it's teeth etc, but she's been challenging from day one, and I might have to stop trying to figure this all out.