I'm new to BW, having recently read book 1. I was especially drawn to the 'E' section pertaining to BF, where Tracy explained the advantages to single-side feeding and why it makes sense. And I'm totally on board except I fear maybe I'm too late to make the switch? DD will be 7wk old 1/1/13.
As it stands now, I switch sides, but not b/c of the clock. Rather she'll nurse on one side, come off, I'll attempt to burp her, then we switch sides and repeat. Each side lasting approx 10-20 minutes. I will say this though... I don't think all those minutes are active feeding, but rather the last part being me-the-human-pacifier. Unfortunately, I have a heck of a time paying attention either because I 'm falling asleep or just completely elsewhere mentally.
DD does have ALL green poo, which may be partly because she has MSPI, so that's one reason I'm considering a change. Moreover, reading Tracy's book, there are some other issues I feel might be resolved by switching to single-side feedings... like DD always falling asleep nursing. ALWAYS. Connecting the dots, it feels like she may be getting more foremilk than hindmilk. She is gaining weight though... so maybe I'm okay to go on as I am?
so here's my question... since my body may be at the point where my milk supply has stabilized, is it too late to train it to start producing hindmilk again?