My ebf LO, who is almost 6.5 mos, is currently having solids once/day (oatmeal mixed with something - have tried pears, sweet potatoes, and applesauce so far).
His typical day:
7/7:30 E
9:30ish S
11/11:30 E
1:30ish S
3/3:15 E, followed by solids
5:30ish S
7:00ish E
8/8:30 S
10:00 DF
My questions are:
* when do babies typically go to twice/day with solids? (I can't remember from my other kiddos, but question sometimes if he wants more.)
* when that happens, I'll do them after the 11ish feeding I'm guessing, but I'm not sure how to best do that, as it's right when I'm making lunch... Any ideas for fitting this in?
Also, yesterday he had his first poop that was different than his normal bf poops (
)... It was more pasty, darker, and stinky. Today, he had a huge poop and was VERY agitated while going - kicking his legs around and crying.
This makes me wonder if I should even give him more solids, kwim? Will that make the pooping even worse? Anything I can do to help this? Or, is it just an adjustment thing and will get better?
Thanks for any help/input!