Author Topic: Habitual waker - my fault!  (Read 757 times)

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Offline Ktorrance80

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Habitual waker - my fault!
« on: January 09, 2013, 20:37:43 pm »

I have a 9 week old little boy and have just started the EASY routine (its true that EASY is not so easy!)

My issue is that my LO wakes every night at 230. You could probably set you watch by it! Its not hunger, im 99% sure (im never 100 % about anything anymore!) My way of dealing with it was to try and get him to go back to sleep until at least 330 to feed him and then he would go back to sleep until about 7. Rather then just dealing with waking at 230, now he wakes, doesnt make a fuss but wont go back to sleep. Last night I dont think he slept much at all. We fed him at 330 and Im pretty sure that he just grunted for the rest of the night. Result, a sleep boy who is all over the shop today!

I tried the 'wake-to-sleep' last night and will do it again tonight and tomorrow and see how that goes. Is there any other advice that can be offered?

Thank you!


Offline Erin M

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Re: Habitual waker - my fault!
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2013, 23:22:31 pm »
Hi hun!
I notice you have some posts in different places, so I'm going to lock this one and link it to your EASY post -- with your complete routine being detailed there, I think you'll get some more thorough answers there.

I would say though, that at 9 weeks, you really should expect a night feed, and as long as he's going as long at night as he is during the day, it's totally fine.  If you feed him and he goes right back to sleep, it's not going to create any problems -- it just shows that he was hungry, you met his need, and he was able to go back to sleep because of that.  Just because he can sometimes go longer with resettlings doesn't mean that he's ready to, you know?

Anyway, here's the link to the EASY post: HELP!!!!!