Thank you it's so helpful seeing it there as a plan!!
I had a feeling that it may be time to drop the CN which on a positive note means one less nap to have to deal with but, boy it's hard going!! Just when you get one thing sorted... managed to drop the dream feed there's something else!
I'll try and get the plan underway asap however, i'm visiting my parents for a few days which has thrown things way off already and involves 2hr car journey home! 2nd nap today I only managed to get him to sleep at 2.30pm and that was after 3 1/2 hrs A (not for want of trying) and after a big meltdown, he's now woke after 20 minutes, but won't go back to sleep now as the nap has taken the edge off, he's impossible for me to get back off we just end up with a melt down! I've left him in his cot playing and moaning. What would you recommend for the rest of today?
This is how today has gone so far:
WU: 5.35 (heard him chattering at 5.35, he chattered for a while and then cried which means hunger)
GU 6.30
E 6.35 Milk
E 7:50 Solids
S 8:55 - 9.15 fell asleep in the car but woke when I stopped for fuel
S 9.45 - 11.00
E 11.15 Milk
E 12:15 Solids
E 2:15
S 2.30 - 2:50
Thanks for your help