Author Topic: 3 m/o waking up every 2 hours thru the night but not hungry  (Read 995 times)

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Offline Mia Evan

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3 m/o waking up every 2 hours thru the night but not hungry
« on: January 24, 2013, 19:37:45 pm »
2 weeks ago, I was still breastfeeding her at 9 and she would sleep around 9:30, wake up after maybe half an hour of snoozing, then sleep again until her middle of the night feeding anywhere between 2 to 4 am. Then she would sleep again until morning around 8. I was pretty happy with that. One night, she even slept from 1 am to 7 am, and I thought we were getting somewhere!

Over the last two weeks, we haven't done anything different, but she has been waking every 2 hours or so through the night. She's not hungry, just fussy. I usually get woken up to her twisting and turning in her cosleeper next to me. I leave her alone to let her fall asleep without help, but she'll eventually start to cry until I pick up her. I'm still swaddling her in her Halo sleepsack. When I pick her up and rock her however, she falls back asleep within 2 minutes.

During the day, she feeds every 3 or 4 hours. She takes a nap in the morning and a nap in the afternoon, each lasting about 2-3 hours.

I'm wondering if the night wakenings could be due to teething? Isn't it too early? But I notice a little white speck on her gums where her first teeth would appear.


Her baby eczema has spread to her legs and I see her scratching her knees whenever I'm changing her diaper and her legs are exposed for her to scratch. Could the itching be keeping her up?

Our original plan was to move her to her crib at 3 months, but now I feel like scrapping the idea until we can get her to sleep better first! Any suggestions or idea as to why she might be waking up like this? During the day, she tends to be very clingy and will cry very soon after we put her down to play on her own, but this whole waking up every 2 hours at night is just tiring me out so much that it's making the whole day very exhausting for me!

Offline becj86

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Re: 3 m/o waking up every 2 hours thru the night but not hungry
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2013, 22:46:30 pm »
Her baby eczema has spread to her legs and I see her scratching her knees whenever I'm changing her diaper and her legs are exposed for her to scratch. Could the itching be keeping her up?
Yep, certainly could. Have you looked into food intolerances re: the eczema?

What does her whole day look like? Can you write it out in EAS format:
E - 7
A - 1.5hr
S - 8:30

3 months is a pretty typical growth spurt time...

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Re: 3 m/o waking up every 2 hours thru the night but not hungry
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2013, 01:47:28 am »
I'm also wondering about intolerances/allergies. Early on T would do a lot of wriggling, grunting, grizzling during the night and wake a lot after midnight with digestive discomfort. :-\ any other intollerance symptoms ?
Does my LO have food intolerances?

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