my 13 month old boy has always been a good sleeper and with a bit of help from here and tweeking routines he now has a nap 10.30 - 12.30 goes to sleep around 6.30pm and wakes up about 7am
He is a good eater and rarely wakes in the night unless bad teething etc.
the problem we have at the moment is bedtime, i give him supper 5-5.30, then bath and cup of milk then bed by 6.30
sometimes he is so tired by then that he just conks out and falls straight asleep but if he doesnt then we have a battle, he cries if we try to leave the room. we used to use sshh pat but it doesnt seem to have much effect anymore, not sure if theres anything else we can try?
thanks again, you are all great!
claire x