Author Topic: 4.5 mo old Night Wakings and Sleep Questions  (Read 1888 times)

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Offline laurenhaj

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4.5 mo old Night Wakings and Sleep Questions
« on: January 31, 2013, 17:12:33 pm »
I am a mother of two children- 3.5 yo and 4.5mths- both girls.  We used the EASY method with our first and it worked like a charm. Now, I am applying it with my almost 5 month old and having some trouble with her waking up at night.

Daily Routine (she is breast fed exclusively- both sides for each feeding, no bottles):
E: 6/6:30 wakes, eats
A: 6:30-7:30
S: 7:30-9:00
E: 9-9:30ish
A: 9:30-10:00
S: 10:00-12:00
E: 12:00-12:30
A: 12:30-1:30
S: 1:30-3:00
E: 3-3:30
A: 3:30-4/4:30
S: 4:30-6/6:30
E: 6/6:30
A: 6:30-7:30 (Bath, Massage, soft lights/music, cuddling, etc.)
S: 7:15/7:30
Dream Feed: 11:00 (does not wake up)
Does not eat again until 6/6:30am

Nap routine: I swaddle her up, give her a pacifier, and put her down when she is in stage 2 (eyes open and close); she falls asleep on her own and naps in a swing or the pack n' play. 

Bedtime routine: after bath, she gets a massage, listens to soft music, dim lights, etc. I sing her a lullaby and then put her down in a boppy lounger that sits in the pack n' play.  We swaddle her up and give her a pacifier.  She sometimes spits it out and cries for it. We put it back in once, maybe twice more, before letting her work it out on her own. 

Problem #1: She is used to sleeping at night in a boppy lounger and does not sleep for long periods of time when we take her out of it and lie her flat on her back.  We used this lounger initially to keep her head propped up after feedings; she learned to like it. 

Problem #2: She was sleeping through the night until she was 4 months old.  For the past few weeks, she started waking up twice, sometimes 3 times during the night.  Initially, I was feeding her when she woke up at 3:00am but have since stopped doing that and now do the "dream feed" at 11:00 instead. 

When she wakes during the night:  we give her the pacifier and make sure she is tucked in tight-- she likes being wrapped to fall asleep but punches out of it at some point; we rub her head and reassure her we are there.  She really likes if I put my hand on her chest with light pressure.  We do not pick her up for the first two wakings.  She goes back to sleep on her own within 10-20 minutes (this time has improved over the last 4 nights). 

When she wakes for the last time or two 3:00am and 4:00am, I end up picking her up b/c she is crying; once she is calm, I put her back down, give her pacifier, wrap her up, hand on chest, etc.  She has a harder time going back to sleep at this hour-- sometimes she is up for over an hour-- she just lies there and makes noises or cries/fusses for our hand to be on her chest. 

Summary of problem#2: waking during the night between 2-4 times- usually after 2:00am. Requires soothing methods, e.g. pacifier, tight wrap, hand on chest, and in the later hours to be picked up.  It generally takes 10-20 minutes to get her back to sleep the first two wakes and up to 1 hour during the last time she wakes.

Activity time: generally means time on the play mat or playing with older sister in playroom/sits in bumbo chair while older sister talks/reads to her. 

Developmental issues: definitely teething though no teeth yet-- just lots of drool and gnawing on teethers.
We have not introduced solid foods.

I have introduced a lovie though she has not shown attachment toward it.  She does know it's there and holds onto it sometimes, but not always. 

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated as I am not getting much sleep these days and I really want my LO to get the best sleep possible and learn to self-soothe. 
« Last Edit: January 31, 2013, 17:23:45 pm by laurenhaj »

Offline Shiel015

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Re: 4.5 mo old Night Wakings and Sleep Questions
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2013, 10:53:36 am »
Good luck! We are experiencing some night waking/not hungry problems over here too. Just thought I'd wish you well.

Offline becj86

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Re: 4.5 mo old Night Wakings and Sleep Questions
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2013, 11:22:59 am »
Hi, looks like your a times are way too short for her. At 5months it should be more like 2-2hr15 than 1hr. I'd say she getting way too much day sleep to sleep well at night.

Offline laurenhaj

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Re: 4.5 mo old Night Wakings and Sleep Questions
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2013, 12:45:43 pm »
Thanks so much.  Do you have recommendations on how to extend her daily naps?  Maybe increasing activities-- any suggestions?

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Re: 4.5 mo old Night Wakings and Sleep Questions
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2013, 19:17:37 pm »
If you keep her up for longer before the time she was going to take a nap, then she should nap for longer.  So if she wakes up at 6, ideally she should go down for her first nap around 8/8:15 -- don't try to do it all at once though -- if she's only used to being up for an hour, you'll keep her up for 1.15 for a few days, 1.30 for a few days, and so on until you find the right amount of A time that gets you a decent nap.

Also, if she starts to get fussy, a change of scenery often helps.  When extending A time, we would also end our A time in his room playing quietly so he wouldn't get overstimulated.

Offline laurenhaj

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Re: 4.5 mo old Night Wakings and Sleep Questions
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2013, 06:46:13 am »
Many thanks!

Offline momma.bear

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Re: 4.5 mo old Night Wakings and Sleep Questions
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2013, 00:19:35 am »
I've found that the best way to extend A time is to do it gradually in increments of 5-10 minutes every few days. Do things that you know she likes and that are calming, eg. walking around the house, singing with her, stories.
I have one question for you about her paci. You mentioned "We swaddle her up and give her a pacifier.  She sometimes spits it out and cries for it. We put it back in once, maybe twice more, before letting her work it out on her own." When you let her work it out on her own, does she settle without it then? Is there lots of crying? Does she find her fingers? Just curious as my son is doing this and I keep re-inserting his paci but am curious as to the success of letting her "work it out on her own". Thanks :)

Offline laurenhaj

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Re: 4.5 mo old Night Wakings and Sleep Questions
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2013, 19:45:55 pm »
These are great recommendations, thanks.  And, yes, I'm learning that gradually making changes is the best. When I tried extending her A time, I messed up her naps-- I definitely didn't take a gradual approach initially.  She's now taking 3-4 really short naps during the day and I'm just so extremely tired that it's been hard to be objective about this whole situation. 

Regarding the paci, sometimes she works it out on her own without it.  Other times, she relies on it.  I haven't been collecting data on that so much, but I do think it depends on how tired and relaxed she is when I put her down. If it's just her and I during the day (when my 3.5 yo is in preschool), it's easier for her to work it out without the paci-- less stimulation.  Other times, it just seems impossible.  I'm not sure how to break her reliance on that---or if it's even necessary at this point. 

Offline becj86

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Re: 4.5 mo old Night Wakings and Sleep Questions
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2013, 20:16:41 pm »
I found the dummy to be a lifesaver when L was overstimulated or overtired. If you're ok with replugging for a few more months and you give her some time with the dummy to figure out how to put it in by herself, it can become a comfort item rather than a prop.

Think about how you go to sleep when really excited about something or when you're so exhausted its hard to get to sleep... It will often take something extra to help you relax and get to sleep, so no harm in her needing something to help her. It may be that you'd prefer it was a blankie or a stuffed toy than a dummy, in which case you can introduce a lovey by cuddling it with her when you cuddle her, so at fee, when she's upset and putting it with her when she goes to sleep so she connects it with you, comfort and with sleep.

Offline laurenhaj

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Re: 4.5 mo old Night Wakings and Sleep Questions
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2013, 00:06:55 am »
Thanks a bunch. I am so relieved to hear you say this about the paci.  And intuitively, I totally agree.  I also believe I she may be overstimulated during her A time causing shorter naps.  I am so grateful to have discovered this forum. 

Offline becj86

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Re: 4.5 mo old Night Wakings and Sleep Questions
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2013, 04:13:34 am »
A big tight hug during wind down can help reduce the pent up energy and help LO sleep better if OS.