DD is 6month and one week. She had terrible NW and EW since 4 month and the only way to put her back to sleep is to walk her and bounce her. and she'd still wake up more than 6 times a night especially after 5am it was almost no way to put her down. So we started using pat/shh (pu/pd doesn't work well in our case) to teach her to go to sleep herself and it worked really well. eventually she'd only wake up 4 times and most of time easy to put her back or just for feed (she is EBF and we just started solid) and I felt some of them are habitual waking. the major remaining issue is EW. most of the day she still wake up around 5:30 and could take up to an hour to put back or we just exhausted and started the day as it is.
HOwever since 3 days ago, she started to have multiple NW again! the day before yesterday, she slept at 7:10p and wake up at 10 so I fed her and then she totally wake up and scream. It took us 2 hours to put her back to sleep. then then she wake up at 1:30, 4,5,6 each take at least 20min to settle and each time she cry like murder.. last night we put her to sleep at 6:40 (this is another issue I'm not sure if she is on the 3-2 nap transition but that day she only took 2 naps mornig 1.5h and afternoon 2h for the first time so I have to put her to bed earlier) and she woke up at 8p, 9p, 9:45p (fed her), 11p, 12:30a, 1:30 (fed),3:30, 4:30, 5:10 (fed), finally wake up at 6:30 cooing. however, different from the night before, last night she was easy to settle at we need was to put a hand on her side and she'd sleep back. today she again took 3 naps and her bed time was 7:12p. but she woke up at 7:45p. I'm soooo confused and exhasuted. Why she has so many NW? growth spurt? UT? OT? teething? habitual wakings? or all above?
because of her EW, I wasn't able to keep her EASY very well sometimes has to put her to nap earlier. also depends on the length of her nap her day shifts (should I keep her schedule or read her cue?). just since yesterday her morning nap lengthen to 1.5hr (it used to be 30-40mins and never longer!)
So now it looks like this (for today and yesterday)
WU 6:30
E till 7
A 7-9:10a (had solid around 7:45)
S 9:10-10:40
S 5-5:15
6:20 wind down bath, feed etc
7:00 put to crib and cry till 7:12 to settle
Thanks for reading this long post. I hope I described my problem clear. I'm so confused and exhausted my mind is like a mess..and I apologize for my poor English..