My 16 week old has always been a great sleeper up until 3 weeks ago when we returned from holiday. She still has a perfect schedule during the day which is why im so confused about her night. Here's our day...
E 7:00-7:20 wake and eat
A 7:20 plays for an hour
S 8:20-10am
E 10-10:20 I will wake her espically if it's been 2hrs
A 10:20-11:20
S 11:20-1:00pm
E 1:00-1:20 (same as first E)
A same
S same
E 4:00-4:20
A same
S same
E 7:00-7:20 change diaper and put Dow for bed
7:30 Bed
DF at 11:00
If she doesn't wake right after the dream feed, she will an hour later. Then she is awake for hours. At times she'll seem gassy but most of the time she is a happy little bug unless she can't see me. If I leave her in her crib, she'll start to wine. I rarely pick her up to rock her back to sleep but I will stand by her crib and give her her pacifier. PU/ PD doesn't work cause she's not crying as soon as I walk over to her, same w/ shush-pat. As soon as she sees me walk over to her crib she starts smiling. I try to wait 5 hours before I feed her again which would mean feeding her at 4 but I rarely make it. Usually by 3 I give in and it will put her down for about 15 mins. Sometimes an hour if I'm lucky.
I took a yield to see if she wasn't getting enough durring the day but I pumped 5oz which should be plenty.
This girl has thrown me for a loop! She'll usually fall back to sleep around 5:30 or 6am then I'll get her up around 7 or 7:30 if she hasn't done so herself.
Any advice??? Please help!!!