I'm losing my mind...
This is DS#2. He is 12 weeks now. My first followed EASY to a T. We went through a few weeks where he only catnapped, but I figured him out quickly and the rest was a piece of cake. Classic textbook...maybe even angelic.
This one...sheesh.
I have tried it all. Swaddle, no swaddle, bouncing, jiggling, swaying, rocking, dark room, white noise, no white noise, sssh/pat, crying it out...I feed him, I change him, we walk around...
You get the picture, right?
I've been able to get him to fall asleep, but it lasts 30 mins. Yesterday I managed a 1.5 hr nap. I've seen a couple 3 or 4 hour naps, but they are few and far between. We are all over the map!
I can tell he's tired. He wakes after 30 minutes crying and yawning. If I pick him up, he stops crying and rubs his face in my chest. He is exhausted...but then smiles and coos. He has recently found his hands and seems a bit obsessed with them right now. Haha.
He has been sleeping through the night since 2 weeks at least. It's the only sane time in my house. The past couple nights he has been down around 7:30 and sleeps until 6-6:30am. He used to go right back to bed after his first feed and sleep for a couple hours, but nowhere seems too alert in the morning. Plus, he still wouldn't really sleep the rest of the day so I thought I was doing something wrong. I had a couple days where 1hr40mins was the magic A time and he had 3 naps in the day. But that changed quickly. I've tried reducing the first A time to 1hr20mins and it did nothing. I've tried less stimulation...more stimulation....bottles of formula...I've honestly tried it all to find the magic key and nothing is helping.
I'm so frustrated and feel guilty because my 3.5 year old keeps getting neglected when he's home with me.
I'd love to post our EASY schedule, but, as I said, we are all over the map. I just can't figure him out.
Please, please, please help. This has been going on for at least 6 or 7 weeks now.