I'm not sure if this belongs here or on another board so feel free to redirect me.
I have a 6mo DD who has always been a great feeder (was EBF apart from one FF per day). We started solids a few weeks ago and have been introducing new foods very gradually. DD is currently having baby porridge and a range of easy to digest veg and fruit (e.g. Sweet potato, carrot, courgette, apple, pear) twice a day. I have always been very conscious of the fact that we were weaning early and made sure that she had her milk feed 30-60 minutes before her solids and kept the portion sizes moderate so that she would still take her milk. Up until a week ago it was all going fine she was taking her milk and enjoying the solids.
However last weekend DD picked up a virus and since then she has drastically cut back on her milk, I would say I am struggling to get her to take half of what she was having before (I have a fair idea as we are now on 2-3 FF per day and the rest BF). DD was still keen on the solids though... Now she appears to have recovered from the virus but will still not take more milk. I know milk should be the core of her diet until she is 1 but am at a loss as to how I can get her to take more?