Author Topic: 45 minute naps - can't solve them!  (Read 962 times)

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Offline blessedmummy12

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45 minute naps - can't solve them!
« on: February 04, 2013, 22:03:39 pm »

Am really hoping you guys can help as am losing hope that I can solve my LO's issue with 45 minute naps!

Over the last month we've been moving over to the 4 hour EASY routine as I noticed that his naps were getting shorter, he was starting to wake during the night (whereas before, he's always been really good at resettling himself at night if he wakes) and he was waking up early in the mornings. So we started extending A times and moving out feeds to drop one. Am now on 4 hour EASY and he doesn't seem to be missing the extra feed from the daytime.

Our aim is to hit the following times for EASY:

E: 7am
A: 7.30am
S: 9 - 11am

E: 11am
A: 11:30am
S: 1-3pm

E: 3pm
A: 3.30pm
S: He doesn't often like to sleep at this time so we only get a catnap out of him 50% of the time and it is usually a bit of a struggle.

Bath, feed and bed by 7.30pm. He goes to bed awake and falls asleep independently most of the time. Sometimes I need to go in and resettle him if he is very fussy but generally he is good about going to sleep and will sleep through to 7am the next morning with a DF at 10.30pm.

Daytime naps have always been a struggle and having used PU/PD we are now at the point where he will go down for the first two naps of the day most of the time with a little fussing/crying but can soothe himself to sleep. It takes him 10 minutes to fall asleep, so we make sure that he is in his cot 10 minutes before we want his S time to start.

He has been waking early from naps since Christmas (possibly before even, but can't remember. All blurs into one!). We used to get a mixture of short and long naps, and he has shown that he can do 2hr+ naps at various points, but I can't seem to pinpoint what it was that I did which meant he took the longer nap and got through the transition ok. I've been keeping a log but no obvious patterns are emerging.

Have tried WTS, HTTJ. PU/PD to try and extend naps but apart from working the first or second time, they've not worked consistently and I have given each a good week or so trying with each nap. PU/PD *after a nap*  is just a nightmare and gets him so wound up that I can't bring myself to do it to put him back to sleep anymore. It has only ever worked once and the other times it just results in an even crankier baby than when he first woke up. When he wakes, he sometimes makes happy noises and then cries if we don't go in to get him within 10 minutes, and other times he wakes with frantic crying. On the latter occasions, he is then really cranky until his next feed and doesn't generally like being put down at all, so I end up having to carry him around. this a routine issue as obviously when he wakes after only 45 minutes into a nap, we have a lot of time before his next feed and so the A times are all over the place...or is it that he doesn't need that much sleep since he can be absolutely fine sometimes and not cranky? I'm losing the will here as want him to have decent naps during the day, as much for him as for me! I used to wait for his sleepy cues before putting him down but as I've been extending his A times to see if it was UT, I now don't know what sleep cues to follow and which to ignore. Don't know if I've rushed the extension of the A times as in the mornings, I used to put him down by 8.20am and that would more often than not result in a nice long nap. But because they weren't consistent and were getting shorter, I moved to the 4 hour.

So confused - please help! Hope I've given enough info, let me know if you need to know anything else. Sorry if this is a little rambly!

Offline amayzie

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Re: 45 minute naps - can't solve them!
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2013, 10:17:57 am »
How old is he hon?
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!

Offline blessedmummy12

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Re: 45 minute naps - can't solve them!
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2013, 19:22:20 pm »
Ah, didn't include that vital piece of information! He is 20 weeks old. X

Offline Joy-filled

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Re: 45 minute naps - can't solve them!
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2013, 15:04:11 pm »
Just thought I'd offer my support and sympathy.  I'm in an almost identical situation with my 5.5 month old.  It's super challenging.  May you know you're not alone and the only one going through this.  Sending a hug your way and hoping the moderators can offer you some suggestions that help!

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Offline amayzie

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Re: 45 minute naps - can't solve them!
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2013, 11:25:13 am »
Ok hon- i think your LO might be similar to my guy and actually need MORE A time than the usual. Although lots of bubs nees 2 hours or less t 4 months my guy needed MORE than this or did terrible naps. Can you try to push up the A time by 10 or 15 minutes? See if that helps?

As far as resettling AFTER the nap- if you've given it a good go then just give up on it. Again- we were similar- only one or 2 successful resettles in 4 months of trying.. The day i decided to just GET HIM UP and get on with the day was very liberating!!

Also- lots of bubs also will short nap between 4-6 months or so- and there's not HEAPS you can do about it. I found though that our developmental short naps were usually more like 50-1 hour 15 or something equally as annoying. The 40/45 min naps were very much under tired. If she's waking up happy then that's also a sign that the A time might need a kick up. If i could do it again i'd be moving to a higher A time MUCH sooner!
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!

Offline teddy13

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Re: 45 minute naps - can't solve them!
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2013, 16:55:23 pm »
Hi there we are in the same boat. Just wanted to wish you luck and hopefully both you and I can extend their A time and get some well deserved rest for ourselves and our babies. I was much better at this with my daugther its harder this time around. :)

Offline blessedmummy12

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Re: 45 minute naps - can't solve them!
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2013, 14:18:54 pm »
Hey everyone,

Thanks for the posts - so nice to know that we're not the only ones struggling with the dreaded 45 minute naps!

So I've taken your advice & extended A time by 10-15 minutes. Didn't see any immediate improvement but today (Day 3), he took 1hr 40 minute nap this morning and is currently asleep for his second nap time, and it has been 1hr 10 minutes so far! So hoping this continues and that he now starts to take the longer naps, but not going to get excited just yet.

Thanks so much for the advice, will let you know how the next few days go!:-)

One other thing - I have been staying in a lot over the last month to try and crack this nap thing. The unfortunate part of this is that my LO seems to have lost the ability to nap when we do go out now, and I'm worried I may have accidentally trained him to only nap in his cot or pram (where he seems to only want to sleep for 30 mins now, which is a new development). Any advice on this? x

Offline amayzie

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Re: 45 minute naps - can't solve them!
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2013, 06:48:04 am »
Great news!! As far as napping out.. it does get tricky! It's hard as it could be that as he's now a bit older he's more alert and so won't settle out and about, rather than you 'training him' to sleep only at home. I found that once i had the A times right, and was happy with the routine that i could then go out for a day or so and not worry TOO much about the naps and then plan a day at home to have him catch up. I would usually plan my day to have him home for the first nap of the day as that was his biggest- and then head out after that. There are things that come up though where you need to go out earlier than that. It's totally fine- you need to get out of the house sometimes for your own sanity!!
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!

Offline blessedmummy12

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Re: 45 minute naps - can't solve them!
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2013, 14:35:00 pm »
Thanks for the advice, I think it sounds like a good plan to aim for at least the first big nap so that you can be sure that they are getting at least one of their 2. I shall give that a go.

Naps are a little all over the place this week - after a brilliant day on Sunday with two 1hr 40 min naps, he then went back to 45 minute naps the next day and a 30 minute cat nap at 5pm. Today he has been way off, with only 30 minutes this morning and super grumpy/clingy ever since. I think he may be teething though, as his cheeks are bright red. Have given teething powder and his current nap, which took 45 minutes to get him to sleep, has now been going for 1hr and 15 minutes. He is certainly keeping me on my toes! Is it the right thing to keep with the 2 hour 5 minute A time and see if he settles into the longer naps? My thinking is that the teething may be throwing him off, plus I've got a rotten cold and he may be coming down with that I guess.
