Author Topic: Stabbing breast pain one side After Feeding  (Read 898 times)

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Stabbing breast pain one side After Feeding
« on: March 30, 2013, 15:44:29 pm »
{Post split from Stabbing Breastfeeding breast pain one side After Feeding }

Izzysmoomy did you find out what was causing your pain as I am experiencing the exact same thing in my left breast, I went to see a lactation consultant and she said my latch is fine and put it down to not emptying my breast properly but I only get the pain if I feed from the left breast in the middle of the night or first thing on the morning and it lasts for hours taking away precious sleep time and its worse than contraction pain! Hope u found a solution for ur pain so u can let me know wat to try as I'm almost ready to give up having put up with this pain for 3 weeks now every night. Also did u find expressing still caused the pain if you did express?
« Last Edit: March 30, 2013, 19:58:30 pm by Fiver »

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Re: Stabbing breast pain one side After Feeding
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2013, 16:41:10 pm »
I had the same and it did turn out to be thrush in my case and it cleared up with prescription nipple cream for me and some nystatin for my LO.  If you don't want to go the prescription route or aren't 100% sure it's thrush, you can apply sterilized water and baking soda (1 c water, 1 T soda) to your nipples after every feed.  You can also apply it to your LOs cheeks and tongue with a Q-tip.  I do this anytime I get strange pains or any discomfort when BFing because I figure if it is thrush, I'll nip it in the bud before it gets bad, and if it's not, it can't hurt baby or me.  I also took ibuprofen (and sometimes naproxen) for the pain - I was told it's safe when BFing.
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Re: Stabbing breast pain one side After Feeding
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2013, 19:59:44 pm »
As on the previous thread, my gut instincts would be either thrush or vasospasm, as was suggested for the previous poster.

Have you checked out the link from that thread about vasospasm -
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