I'm still struggling at at a bit of a loss. Lately my LO has bee staying up about 5 hours in the a.m. she won't go down before then. Then she has still been waking at 1 1/2 hours. I try to get her back down and have been successful once but it usually doesn't work or only lasts about 10 minutes. Then I try to give her a cat nap in the afternoon, which she refuses. She can be happy and wide awake or looking very sleepy, it doesn't seem to matter. We will go through wind down routine and I will lay her down and sometimes she looks like she is going to go to sleep but then she starts rolling around, laughing, and talking to herself. I have tried patting her, leaving the room, nothing seems to work. This goes on for up to 45 minutes before I give up because it is getting too close to her dinner and bedtime. I don't know what to do and I really feel like 1 1/2 hours is not enough day time sleep. Any help??