My LO is seven months old and was on a pretty good night time schedule (asleep at 7:30/8), wake 1-2 times to BF and up at 6:00/6:30am). About 2 months ago she got sick and had a bit of a growth spurt at the same time, so was up multiple times a night. I expected it to get better after illness and growth spurt, but it's gotten worse! We're on a pretty gooe EASY schedule during the day, naps about every 3-3.5 hours (but generally short) and is eating close to every four hours. We were doing a DF, but lateley she wakes up before it's time. (Will wake up 2-3 times before 10pm). Sometimes she will fall asleep in 10 minutes or less and other times she will need to be nursed to fall asleep. Please help! What's going on?