Hi there my little one will be 9 months next week. I recently had to give up breastfeeding due to him getting 6 teeth at once ( it was ROUGH) and he bites the whole time. I had a really hard time giving it up but it honestly hurt so much I couldnt keep doing it. So we are now formula feeding. He gets 6 oz every 4 hours with solid food in there as well. I have not been able to wean him off his dream feed yet, I would add extra milk to his other feeds but I can barely get that into him without him being so distracted. He also is waking about 530 6 am and I feed him there in hopes that he goes back to sleep. I am putting him to bed between 730-815. How do I drop the dream feed ... Second issue he is still napping three times a day is that ok... he wakes anywhere between 630 and 7 and is sooo ready for a nap about 930 10, naps for about 1 and 15 mins to 2 hours, has another nap about 100-2 ish for an hour or so, then another cat nap about 5 for 45 mins. I put him down because he is cranky, rubbing his eyes and self soothes himself to sleep within 5 mins of being put down. Thanks in advance of any advice:)