I've posted on here before about DD's short naps (seems like everyone else on here sigh) and that shh/pat wouldnt work for resettling or I would have to spend the next hour just patting. I am scared to say it out loud and jinx it, but seems like there's improvement and sometimes I just have to spend 10 min to get her to sleep for a total of 2 hrs(!), and sometimes I have to go in multiple times to help her get back. I use a paci and patting. I am moving her over to 4 hr EASY, so maybe that also helped with naps, but for now I cap her first A to 1.5 hrs and subsequent A's to 1h45-1h50. So I am wondering will she ever be able to transition w/o my help between cycles? And does an A time of 2 hrs for 4 mos olds means when the baby turns 4 months OR at the end of 4 mos?