I have a question about my 5 week old and resettling during naps. It just seems that sometimes it takes forever.
After some trial and error, we are getting into a good groove, although I sometimes worry if she is sleeping too much. We are falling into a 3 hour easy with some flexibility as she is still so young, and I also have a 2.5 year old.
So the issue is that during her naps, sometimes she takes 20-30+ minutes to resettle - she often is mostly content during this time, and goes from eyes open to eyes closed various times. She squaks and mantra cries (just letting out one or two cries) now and then, but rarely needs me to go in. Sometimes she doesn't resettle and I just go in and get her because it seems weird to have her sitting in there alone but awake all this time. I know this maybe doesn't seem like an issue (and maybe it's not?), but I have two questions/concerns - the first is if it is normal for her to take this long and be more or less content for such a long time by herself? I sometimes am worried that i am unintentionally ferberizing her or something. I have been working to teach her independent sleep, so maybe this is just part of it (I didn't start with BW until around 6 mo with DD1 and it took some time to fix all the AP). How long is too long? Do I go by the 40 minutes that I would be using if I were doing shh pat? The second question is about the time she is resettling and if that is considered A or S? I am asking for a couple different reasons - for looking at her total sleep (ie: is a two hour nap with 30 minutes of resettling really a 1.5 hour nap?) and also for the times that she doesn't resettle, does her A time for that cycle start when she first woke even though she was still kind of fading in and out for a time, or when i get her up? I know I'm not supposed to clock-watch, and I am learning her cues, but sometimes her yawn or vocalizations come too late, and with a toddler, I have to be constantly planning ahead? We had a very nasty day earlier this week with two 30 min naps and one 40 min and one 60 min - OT was soo out of control I couldn't reign it in and then BT took hours as well... I figured out (re-)reading lots of other posts that I was making the A times too long and needed to count 4s and time to fall asleep in A time - that made lots of difference and got us back on track the next day (thanks!).
Also - if I do count resettling as S - then is three 2 hour naps too much - I figured it was okay since it's usually not all time spent actually sleeping, but I don't want to get the naps so good/long that I mess up the night time sleep. Let me know what you think about capping naps too.
I hope my questions are clear. Let me know if I can clarify anything. Here's our day in case that helps. I've been focusing on not feeding to sleep, getting her to consolidate her feedings (sometimes we still have EAEAS) and figuring out cues and A times. Sometimes the first or last nap (before cat nap) is short 45-60 min. I guess I'm a bit confused as to if it is better to have consistent cycles or A times too. Sorry for the length - I guess once I got going I had more questions than I thought.
Thanks in advance!
Wake up 7:30
E 7:45
A 8:10
S 8:45-11:10 (this nap she stirred at an hour, but resettled rather quickly)
E 11:20
A 11:30
E 11:50
A 12:00
S 12:30-2:40 (this nap had a loooong resettling in the middle 30-40 min - I did go in 2 times to shhh and give paci)
E 2:50
A 3:00
E 3:10
A 3:25
S 4:00-5:05 (resettling a lot - never really slept after :40/:45- not sure if this should actually be considered a 45 min nap???)
E 5:10
A 5:20
E 5:50
A 6:00
S 6:10-7:05
E 7:15
A 7:25
E 7:55
A 8:05
S 8:35 (this wouldn't have been so late, but we had some difficulties with BT tonight for both kiddos with daylight savings.)