Hi Becky,
I had this idea today. To try and make set naps times. My LO is almost 7 months and mostly I am still going by his tired cues. Rubbing his eyes, yawning, whining, etc. But it makes it very hard to predict my day. Do you suggest this method over reading the baby's cues? A typical day for us is:
5:45 am he wakes up and talks to himself for about and hour
6:45 I get up and change him, talk to him, feed him I BF him
9:15 nap on the way home from taking his sister to school
10:00am he eats his fruit, and then BF a little
12:00 naps usually 45 mins
1:00 veggies and bf
3:30 nap 45 mins
5:00 60z formula bottle
6:00 bathtime
7:00 sleeping
He then wakes about three to four hours later for a feed and one more time before he wakes. I also tried to DF but it never made any difference in his wake times.