Hoping you can help.....
My DS has never been a fantastic sleeper (has woken up to feed twice nightly since he was born and usually needed settling once or twice at other times in the night-usually a shoulder pat was enough), but now he has taken it to a whole new level. He used to sleep 7-7 with the dreamfeed and 2 other feedings. Now, he goes to bed at around 7pm and I used to do a dreamfeed at 11pm but I'm lucky if he makes it past 10:00. Then he is usually up at 1:00 for a feed, and this is basically where my night ends. From this point on he is up about every 45 min and is usually completely up and awake at 4am. I always try to keep him in the crib when he needs to be settled and I won't feed him unless it has been at least 3 hours. Usually by the time 6am rolls around he has a 30 min "catnap" and then is up again. His naps have gotten much worse as well.
I have a 1 1/2 year old as well so me trying to nap during the day usually proves to be impossible. I'm completely exhausted and DH is out of town for two weeks, so I have no relief. I don't know whether trying to put him to bed sooner would help, I'm just worried that he will still wake very early in the morning. I also don't want him to be OT if I try putting him to bed later. Below is basically what his routine was before this nonsense started happening:
7:00 Wake up & Eat
7:30- 8:15 Activity
8:20- 9:40 Nap
10:00 Eat
10:30-11:15 Activity
11:20- 1:00 Nap
1:00 Eat
1:30-2:30 Activity
2:30-4:00 Nap
4:00 Eat
5:30 Try for short nap but 50/50 chance it will happen
6:30 Eat
7:00 Bedtime
11:00 Dream feed
Both kids are actually sleeping at the same time right now but I'm foregoing a possible nap in search of some help!!! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.