I've lost my way with DS2 who is 2.5.
Up until the clock change he was napping from 12.30 until 2.20pm (capped) and going to bed (asleep) about 5.25 hours after that. he is a habitually early riser (5.30 -6am) and rarely sleeps more that 10 10.5 hours overnight. At this time his nights were dropping down to 9.75 hours and waking earlier!
So with the change I pushed nap to 1.15pm and capped at 1.5 hours waking him at 2.45pm and then he was asleep 5 hours later. This worked to begin with and we got some 10.5 hour nights, but then they started to shorten again until we were back to 9.75 hours and 5.30am.
If he went to sleep even 10 minutes after the 5 hour window we got NWs (very rare for him) so I started to bring bedtime earlier in the hope that he would have enough time to settle.
I am pretty sure it's OT that we are dealing with.......
So I eventually managed to catch him up (after making the mistake of a 2 hour nap and the same bedtime = 9 hour night and up at 4.50am)...
So we are back at square one!
WU 5.45am
N 1.10 -1.40pm (capped)
B 7.40pm (asleep)
(but as I say after a couple of days it runs out and we revert to 9.75hrs overnight OT)
Last night asleep 7.50pm but we got 2 Nws! Wake-up at 6.30am though!
Do you think I should power through and hope he adjusts? Bring nap earlier and make it longer......
Any advice gratefully received. (I don't want bedtime much later as the 7.45pm - 8pm slot is time DH spends with DS1)