hey everyone! I guess its the toddler boards now that LO is 13 months. Here is our deal!
LO has always been a very tempremental baby- a touchy baby. She sttn at 9 weeks and then decided at about 3 months she was done with that and then was up and down for months and months. Sometimes sleeping great and sometimes not. From about 10 and half months though LO was a pretty good night sleeper again generally sleeping through but otherwise up for a quick feed once and then STRAIGHT back to bed no problems ever. Naps have always been great as LO was an independent sleeper, just put in her cot, she hugs her lovie and sucks her thumb and all is good. Then I came along and said 'hey things are going to good let me throw in some accidental parenting!'
Around the 12 month mark, we were staying at family for a week and I wanted to make sure LO didnt disturb anyone so anytime she cried I quickly fed her even just after a peep and also I gave her alot of bottles before naps and bed times- we generally bf but LO also takes formula. Unknown to me, LO learned that the bottle was needed to go to sleep! I didnt really pay attention to this and since then I just gave the bottle even straight after a feed to stop the crying but now its a prop. A big, annoying prop.
Firstly LO is up every night at either 3 or 5 crying hysterically. In the past, I would go in, she would instantly calm down, I would feed her and bye bye baby. But now I go in, some nights LO esca.ates the crying and tries to resist me picking her up and when I do, arches her back and screams and screams. Then the only way to calm her down is making her a bottle and leaving her with it. The other option is I go in and feed her and then as she finishes she looks up, says 'baaaa' and starts getting ready to play. If I try put her back in cot, she screams!! If I let her, she crawls all over the bed, happy as pie as if its the middle of the day! And then the only way to get back to sleep is of course the bottle! Naps have become impossible unless I give the bottle beforehand. Basically, after my whole rant, here is my point. How do I eliminate this NW? How do I wean off the prop? Whats with the wanting to play in the middle of the night!!??
Here is a sample EASY. We are on a late schedule
9: WU
1: nap
3: WU
8/8 30: Bed time
of course playing and eating in between.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read!