Author Topic: HELP!!! 7 month old refusing savoury  (Read 6779 times)

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Offline pinkladyangel

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HELP!!! 7 month old refusing savoury
« on: April 30, 2013, 20:06:51 pm »
Hi there
Just after some advice really.
My lo is 7 months old and he's been a brilliant eater until now. He's just started to refuse savoury meals but will happily eat the fruit purees. He blows raspberries whenever i manage to sneak the savoury stuff in. When he does it i down tools and leave the room for a minute then come back and try again. I persevere until he's eaten half but as soon as i offer fruit he has his mouth open before i can refill the spoon. Any ideas guys as dont want him to have sweet tooth like me lol.

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Re: HELP!!! 7 month old refusing savoury
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2013, 06:03:03 am »
Hiya, I just wanted to say my 7.5month old DD is exactly the same. As she ha reflux I started on the fruit purées, and now she just won't open her mouth to anything else. I dread feeding time as she is also refusing the bottle most the time too. I even tried BLW and she will only eat sweet or bready stuff. She hates any sort of lumps too and just brings that and anything I have managed to get into back up.

I hope we can figure something out my DS was nothing like this and was great with solids x

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Re: HELP!!! 7 month old refusing savoury
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2013, 19:29:09 pm »
Personally I'd just stop offering fruit for 2 or 3 days.  Sweet foods are obviously tastier to babies, they have a naturally sweet tooth, but at 7 months milk is still the most important food and your LO won't go hungry by you withholding fruit.  Meanwhile try offering some of the sweeter vegetables such as puréed sweetcorn or baked wedges of sweet potato as finger food (or mash if you prefer), carrots etc.
I wouldn't go the route of downing tools and leaving your LO when he refuses savoury stuff, this starts to set up power struggles over food from an early age and tbh you just don't want them.  Better to keep the whole mood light and positive.  That's doesn't mean it is up to him what he eats, it only means it is up to you what is offered.  Once offered he can either eat it or not.  I think you might end up getting very frustrated as the months go by if you go the down tools and leave way.  Also there is a slight risk that one day he might have something in his mouth when you go, so a small chance of leaving him with a choking hazard without even being aware of it.
I'm sure that after 2 - 3 days your LO will begin to accept some other foods, carbs and veg, maybe meat and fish too.  Then you can reintroduce small portions of fruit.


Offline pinkladyangel

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Re: HELP!!! 7 month old refusing savoury
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2013, 19:49:46 pm »
Thanks for the advice. Think you might have misunder stood hun. I only down tools and leave when he does the raspberry blowing. Would never leave him with mouthful of food. Have cut out fruit as pudding and i'm going to syart giving veggies as finger foods. I've tried giving him a spoon too but as i put it in he scoops it out lol. I can see him being very independent.

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Re: HELP!!! 7 month old refusing savoury
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2013, 19:15:38 pm »
Sometime a little piece of food can still be in their mouth. I don't think it's ever been the case for my DS but I did read from another BW mum of food found in the mouth several hours later, possibly stuck to the roof of the mouth and then dislodged.
Either way, the power struggle just isn't worth starting, IMO.  Weaning should be fun and enjoyable for both of you, and meal times should be a sociable and enjoyable part of our daily lives, these early trials with solid food are setting the scene for what is expected later, I would focus more on keeping the mood and modelling positive to encourage LO to learn to stay positive through meals both now and as he grows older.
I would just let him play with the spoon and scoop or mash up the food with it.  It's a new tool and every piece of food is a new and exciting thing to be explored. Weaning was once of the most joyful aspects of parenting for me.  I hope you and your LO enjoy your adventure together x

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Re: HELP!!! 7 month old refusing savoury
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2013, 06:46:00 am »
I would stop offering fruit for a bit too, at least for one meal.  I always recommend to people to change the lunchtime meal.  I know how bad it is to have a child who wakes because of hunger so if you experiment with lunchtime you've always got teatime to catch up later.

At 7 months there are a few things you could try.  Your child can be on mashed foods at this age and even starting on soft lumps.  Perhaps if you try something a bit different it might help?  At this age my son was eating small pasta shapes with sauces, (let me know if you want some recipes) and also pieces of fruit rather than puree or yoghurt all the time.

So as I was saying, I'd swap the lunch time meal, maybe for fish pie, pasta etc.  Then go back to the normal meals at tea time with fruit puree if you want to as your insurance policy.  At 7 months old it doesn't matter if they miss a meal completely.  Once your LO gets used to some new flavours I'd then start switching in some of the accepted savoury meals into tea time and then move the fruit puree to pieces of fruit (except apple for a while, I've had first hand experience of proper choking with this).  But as the PP said, particularly as they get onto more textured and finger foods it's important you stay with your child as they eat even if you're not actively feeding them.  It's also important thought to increase the texture and start finger foods as it helps speech development.

Good luck!
Here's my blog which is focussed on simple food for babies, toddlers and families