Author Topic: Help! Starting EASY/PU/PD tom with 24 week old  (Read 931 times)

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Offline BBMama

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Help! Starting EASY/PU/PD tom with 24 week old
« on: May 13, 2013, 06:05:58 am »
Questions:  help. I've been up all night stressing about these!!!

1. What is considered appropriate wind down?  Dd has always nursed to sleep; do I only put in breast for feeding times?? Can I rock and sing or just sit quietly to calm her before nap/bt?

2.  Should DH do nighttime PU/pd or should I for first 2 nights? 

3. Has anyone started EASY on an 8 to 8 schedule or does 7 to 7 work the best??  We r on an 8 to 8 right now with only 2 hours of activity time between sleep. (I've been trying to follow a modified EASY schedule to prepare for PU/pd

4. When u put baby in crib do you keep hand in her and shhhh or do you just stay quiet?  Confused here.
 5.  Dd is still swaddled in miracle blanket. Should I continue to keep her swaddled or go cold turkey for sleep training and just put her in sleep sack??

I've been reading BW: aypa but have taken in a lot in a shirt amount of time and am stressed about starting tomorrow.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2013, 06:19:33 am by BBMama »

Offline Ima shel Alon

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Re: Help! Starting EASY/PU/PD tom with 24 week old
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2013, 15:59:23 pm »
A WD is basically what works for you and your LO and as long as it's not a prop. Some babies like their WD long, some short. There are some ideas here: What does a good wind down consist of (Includes 4S ritual)

Should DH do nighttime PU/pd or should I for first 2 nights? 
I am afraid I can't answer that, it depends on you two, hun. We used to share the night in two halfs so we could get some sleep, but many parents share nights between them or share the NW (so one NW him, one NW you). Totally totally depends on you. If you are BF and BF is an issue (so using PU/PD to try and wean BF to sleep for example) it's sometimes easier if daddy does the beginning of the sleep training because LO can smell your milk and it can make the ST harder. It's still possible to do it, just harder.

Has anyone started EASY on an 8 to 8 schedule or does 7 to 7 work the best??  We r on an 8 to 8 right now with only 2 hours of activity time between sleep. (I've been trying to follow a modified EASY schedule to prepare for PU/pd
8 to 8 is fine is that's what works for you. Every family is different.
However, your LO is on a very short A time for her age. Most babies age 6m are doing more around 3h A time. A too short A time will contribute to short naps, NW and EW, so IIWY I would sort that out first or at the same time as ST. If you put an UT baby to nap it will take you ages to settle her to sleep 'cause she is simply not tired enough.
When you increase A times you do it by 10-15min every 3-4 days to prevent OT and to give the baby enough time to get used to the new A.

When u put baby in crib do you keep hand in her and shhhh or do you just stay quiet?
You are going to do PU/PD or Shush-pat? I think you need to be clear what method you are using and how you are going to use it. TBH, I wouldn't recommend using shush-pat at 6m, because of this: Can a baby be too old for sh-pat?

Dd is still swaddled in miracle blanket. Should I continue to keep her swaddled or go cold turkey for sleep training and just put her in sleep sack??
Is she turning already? If she is turning then I would wean the swaddle as it can be dangerous.

Don't stress, sweetie, we are all here to help. We all had sleeping issues and did sleep training - we know how hard it is but it's also rewarding. Let me know if you have any other questions or if you want me to look at her routine.
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Offline BBMama

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Re: Help! Starting EASY/PU/PD tom with 24 week old
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2013, 12:34:52 pm »
Thank you so much for answering!!  We are having great success with our EASY plan.  She is now staying awake 2.5 hrs and is only having 1 night waking. 

How do I handle feedings with 3 hr. activity time??  She is waking at 7:30...

Does it turn into a 4.5 to 5 hr. easy?

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Re: Help! Starting EASY/PU/PD tom with 24 week old
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2013, 12:31:18 pm »
Does it turn into a 4.5 to 5 hr. easy?
It's not that black and white. Your EASY cycle is basically A time + her nap, that can equal anything from 4 to 5 hours and it can change as well during the day, depends on how much A time she can handle and how long are her naps.
So if she can handle the whole cycle with feeding only at wake up then you can do that, but many babies still need a top up short before the nap (but still have A time before S or your LO will start associating feeding with sleeping). If you are BF then it's almost definite that she'll need two feeds during her A time (when it's higher, like 3h long).
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