Hi again - no real advice on how to handle the naps. I used to be very strict with naps, but have learned to "loosen up" a bit. Agree you might have to do one nap every other day just so you and DS can get out for your sanity
. We usually leave the house really early and she'll stay up if out and about. But today we left the house around 10 (because Sea World doesn't open until then), she fell asleep almost immediately in the car. Once we arrived at our destination, I let her finish out her nap, which is always no more than 45 minutes (not a great napper out and about). We headed home at 2 PM, with the intentions of giving her a proper nap once we got home. Unfortunately she fell asleep in the car for 10 minutes. But later at home around 4:30, she wanted another nap, which we ended up capping at 1 hour. So today ended up being a THREE nap day
. She still went to bed at her usual time (7:30), so I feel very fortunate that she's so flexible. All this to say... sometimes we just have to wing it, otherwise we wouldn't be able to go anywhere.