My son is 6 months old. We have been doing EASY since he was 4 months.
He is now eating solids three times a day and has 2-3 naps a day (depending on the day - sometimes we skip the catnap).
I have slowly been moving up his dreamfeed and am now feeding him at 10PM instead of 11 where we started.
He goes to sleep at around 7/7:30, has the dreamfeed at 10 and sleeps until 5, sometimes 6AM. We have tried doing PU/PD since this has started (approx. 2 weeks ago), and not only does it take 1-2 hours until he settles again, but there has not been any improvement! When he finally settles, he could sleep until 8/9, but I wake him at 7:30 to feed him and then try and stretch him until his nap 9:45/10.
Please help...! This 5AM story is SO hard - especially with 2 other children waking up at 7....