I am incredibly lucky that my DS is a great sleeper at night. We put him down around 8, and within 20-30 minutes he falls asleep on his own and sleeps all night. We don't usually give a dream feed.
Naps used to be easy. He'd fall asleep on his own whenever he was tired, regardless of where he was. Long story short, he doesn't do that anymore, and we've been struggling with naps for the past 1-2 months. He has a bit of a nursing association that I've managed to lessen, though not eliminate entirely. I'm trying to start EASY to solve our nap problem. I'm using the directions in "The Baby Whisperer Solves all your Problems," but shifting the schedule forwards by an hour to match our bedtime.
I did a dream feed late last night (around midnight) and LO woke up around 6:30 am. I let him be until he started fussing around 6:45, and then I went in and tried the ssh/pat for a little while.
QUESTION ONE: He wasn't really crying, just fussing - unhappy sounding yells with pauses between. Should I have waited until he was really crying? Or started earlier, the second I knew he was awake? Or did I hit the right time?
I thought he was hungry so I fed him at 7. He did seem to be hungry. I tried to get him to go back to sleep until 8 am using ssh/pat and PU/PD, but he wouldn't go. I'm not sure that I should have even been using PU/PD. He was moreso fussing than crying.
QUESTION TWO, PART I: Should I have started by just putting him in his crib and seeing how it went without any intervention from me? Or should I have started the ssh/pat pretty much right away, as I did?
QUESTION TWO, PART II: Do you restrict yourself to the ssh/pat until LO is actually crying, and then try the PU/PD? Or can/should the PU/PD be used for a fussing baby?
I got him up at 8 am. By 8:50 am he was falling asleep in his rocker without any outside help. I was really tempted to let him nap, but per the directions, I stuck to the schedule and woke him up. He got fussier and fussier, and by 9:15 I knew I was going to have a mess on my hands if I didn't get him to bed soon. I caved and broke the schedule. I did our sleep ritual (though I cut out the sitting, as he was really crying at that point, and the sitting wasn't going to relax him) and had him in his crib by 9:20.
QUESTION THREE: Should I have kept him up until 9:40 and then started the sleep ritual, even though he would have been really overtired and a mess by then? I know that things are different when you're trying to introduce a routine.
I did ssh/pat and tried PU/PD. I managed to get him to sleep by 9:43, which wasn't pretty good, I thought. Then he woke up 37 minutes later at 10:20 crying. I went up and tried the ssh/pat and then escalated to PU/PD.
QUESTION FOUR: I'm not sure I'm doing PU/PD right. He seems to be moving his arms almost nonstop, and leg kicking isn't unusual, either. I know that I'm not supposed to PU when he's struggling/fighting, but I'm not sure what qualifies. Does it have to be an actual arching of the back, pushing away with arms? Or is flailing arms and legs a sign that I shouldn't pick DS up and, if he's already in my arms, I should put him down? If the latter, I will hardly ever be able to do PU/PD b/c he seems to almost always flail around when crying.
He just kept crying until I gave up at 11:30 and got him up, 1 hr 10 min later. As soon as I raised the blinds and started interacting with him doing "normal" daytime stuff (change diaper, feed, play), the crying stopped.
QUESTION FIVE: DS would rather have fun than nap, I think. If he's tired or overtired and not being amused, he'll cry, but often if you play with him the crying will stop (even though he does need the rest). I worry that by keeping him in his crib crying until the next feeding time and then getting him up when he doesn't go back to sleep, he's just going to think "Okay, if I cry for an hour, she'll get me up." Is this a valid fear? How do you handle it when the baby won't sleep and you've used up all of your time?
At 1:40, we went back to his room and did his sleep ritual. He fussed throughout his book and then seemed to fall asleep during the sitting time in my still arms. Not good, I know. I didn't intend for that to happen. We'll see how long he stays down this time, but he's been down for 1 hour thus far, so I'm hopeful for a good 1.5-2 hr nap.