Everyone does things differently, but here's what we did:
I started shush-pat when DD was just a few days old, but some naps were harder than others to be successful with at this young age, so I tried to be very adjustable, with allowing APing when needed. Since it took a while for my newborn to settle, I had her in the main room of the house so that I didn't have to be in a bedroom for so long trying to get her to sleep, and I patted her while my DS played around us, where all his toys are. We moved her to a room to nap when she started waking up at 45 min when there was too much noise for her to transition (around 2 months or so, when it was also a little easier for her to nod off with less help).
With DS we started BW at 4/5 weeks, but life was very different when there was only 1.
I definitely recommend swaddling, since newborns are so comfortable all wrapped up. If it's too hot maybe you can use a really light blanket or keep a fan on near him. I still like to swaddle my DD at night sometimes, but the weather is also an issue for us...
Congrats on your new LO!