Ok, it looks like she's in a pretty classic undertired (UT)/overtired (OT) loop right now. Meaning, the time until her first nap isn't long enough to get a restorative nap (at least 1.5hr), so she short naps and then the next A time is too long and she gets OT and short naps again. She's quite OT by BT then, as she's only had the two short naps and is waking 45min after being put down (one sleep cycle into her night).
The good thing is at this age, she doesn't need two full naps, as she is at the age where the transition to one nap starts (with the changeover happening somewhere between 12-18mo). Have a read through this link and let me know your thoughts...
From 2 to 1 nap transition (10-12m and older)If you wanted to keep the short morning nap, you just need to pull the afternoon nap earlier. It might look something like this:
Wake 7:30 am
Nap 1 10:30-11:15am
Nap 2 2:15-3:45/4pm
BT 7:30/8pm
Or, you can start pushing the morning nap later until it gets longer and keep the afternoon nap as a short nap just to get to BT. That would look something like this:
Wake 7:30am
Nap 1 11:30-1:30pm
Nap 2 5-5:30pm
BT 7:30/8pm
Have you been giving any pain meds for the teething? Molars can be really tough.