Author Topic: 14mth old meal times. Are they ok?  (Read 1829 times)

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14mth old meal times. Are they ok?
« on: July 05, 2013, 21:26:35 pm »
Just wanted to see what other mothers think

Dd has 6oz formula at 7am
Breakfast- weetabix-fruit-toast Eric
11.30-12pm dinner
1pm small snack- yoghurt, fruit, rice cake
3pm bottle 6oz
4.30 tea
6.30 bottle 5oz

I know I should be cutting out the 3pm bottle soon. Dd loves it though :-)

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Re: 14mth old meal times. Are they ok?
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2013, 22:45:02 pm »
Sounds about right as I was told by DD's pediatrician that I should be feeding her something every 2-3 hours.  My DD is also 14 months old.  Here is her rough schedule during the week at daycare.  On weekends things change up a bit as she still goes between 1 and 2 naps.   During the week, she's on 1 nap.

6:30 Wake
7/7:30 Breakfast with sippy of whole milk
9:30 Small snack
11:30 Lunch with sippy of whole milk
12:30-2:30/3:00 Nap
3:00 Snack
5:30 1/2 of 8 oz sippy of whole milk (she seems really thirsty at this time)
6:30 Dinner with other half of sippy
7:00 Bath/Stories
7:30 Bed

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Re: 14mth old meal times. Are they ok?
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2013, 06:23:36 am »
Thanks for that. Nice to see what other mums are doing. X

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Re: 14mth old meal times. Are they ok?
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2013, 14:35:57 pm »
Hi, i've a 14mnths old son and feeding times are like war zone (my mum said he just hated my cooking..duh)
His schedule is a bit off since he's 9mths old and i leave him with my mum for couple of weeks to take care of my hubby (hospitalized with contagious illness). This is his recent schedule

10.30  - wake up  (he consumed around 300ml of breastmilk while sleeping)
11.00 - breakfast with fruit puree
13.00 - 150ml of honey water
14.30 - lunch (usually consist of mixed grains with veggies - all mashed)
17.00 - 150ml of breastmilk (nap time - can't go to sleep without his milk)
20.30 - dinner (same menu with lunch)
22.30 - 150ml of honey water
00.00 - 150-200ml of breastmilk (yes, he sleeps at midnight, sometimes even later)

The problem is that he doesn't gain any weight anymore and it's soooo hard to feed him, so i'm wondering if i'm doing something wrong..

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Re: 14mth old meal times. Are they ok?
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2013, 14:59:50 pm »
Hi 1st time momma and welcome to BW :)

We usually start a new thread for each question to make sure people get to see your particular difficulty/question so you might get some more responses if you did that.  You might want to pop onto the EASY board if you hope to change the sleep times. Midnight is ever so late.
Just wondering too, who advised you to give honey water?  I've never heard of toddlers having this, it sounds like a lot of sugar to me, maybe that's impacting on his eating solids? I would also be worried about his teeth having sweetened water frequently, as teeth can become damaged even before they have cut through. My LO only drinks water or milk and maybe once per month has about 30ml of fruit juice which he's only started having since turning 2 years old.
Sorry to hear about your husband, I hope he is on the mend.

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Re: 14mth old meal times. Are they ok?
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2013, 11:42:31 am »
Hi, thx for the suggestion, i must admit i've tried to change his sleeping pattern multiply times with no result (tried to skip the nap so he goes to sleep at 9pm and he wakes up at 10.30 and keep awake till 2am - after the third attempt hubby just give up, says to let little one sleep at midnight).
As for the honey water, my mum suggested it, and i've talked to his pediatrician and as long as it is pure honey (without added sugar) it won't rot his teeth. I'd be careful with store bought honey though - many claims no added sugar, but we never know.
Since i've friend who make the honey herself, we feel safe to give it to him (she suggest we let the honey simmer for a while and use only the top clear part for the baby).