Author Topic: 9 month old textbook - nursing 4 times/day - when to drop to 3x/day  (Read 1071 times)

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I know I've found sample EASY routines on here somewhere, but figured this board would also help. I was just curious when most mom's dropped down to 3 nursings/day. Our 9 month old is gaining perfectly (recently 1lb/month, weighs a little over 18.5 lbs now) and doing great with 4 feeds/day. He takes 2 naps/day - usually 1-1.5 hrs and is sleeping 10.5-11 hrs at night. When can I drop his 4th feed? And which feed is common to drop first?

Here is his EASY

0645/0700 - W
0715 - nurse
0815 - solids
0945/1000 - nap 1

11/1115 - W
1130 - nurse
1230 - solids
1430 - nap 2

1530/1600 (depending on day)
1600 - nurse
1730 - solids
1900 - bedtime nurse
1930 - sleep for the night

The one that seems natural to me to drop is the feed after his second nap. Maybe give him a solid snack right when he wakes up until dinner and then nurse him before bed?

Does this seem reasonable? How will I know when he's ready to do it? Will my milk supply tank if I stop nursing him 4x/day. I work two days a week. He recently started refusing bottles (only fed pumped breast milk) a little bit about 3-4 weeks ago. He used to take 6-7 ounces/bottle - then he recently started only taking 3 oz, maybe 4 on a really good day. He makes up for it by eating lots of solid food and I'm not worried about his caloric intake. He is still nursing really well for me, usually 10 minutes total. This is a lot shorter than he used to be, but it has progressed over a good period of time. I usually get a really good pump in the morning (6-8 ounces) and then usually only get 3-4 ounces later in the evening. Maybe he only gets a certain amount from me - even though I know you can't pump as much as baby gets most times.

Anywho, sorry to go on a random tangent. Any thoughts would help. TIA

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Re: 9 month old textbook - nursing 4 times/day - when to drop to 3x/day
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2013, 07:20:08 am »
Mine were 12mo and 15mo and it was when they dropped to one nap. Milk is their main source of nutrition until 12mo so personally wouldn't do it before then,  especially if you are skipping the day feeds when you are at work. I know some mums drop down at 10mo if lo is big on solid food though. If she is still doing a decent feed at each of her breastfeeds then I would stick with it.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: 9 month old textbook - nursing 4 times/day - when to drop to 3x/day
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2013, 20:24:11 pm »
DD was over 12m too, as I recall.
*** Amanda ***