Ok, I'm ready to do set naps now I think?
I've tried to be consistent with a 5 hour schedule, but its really not working out at all. Some days he gets to 5 hours and he's falling asleep before I can even get him in bed. One day I had him in the car and he fell asleep at 4:30 A time and slept 2 hours. Other days he seems not tired at all and sleeps short UT naps after being up for 5 hours. One day he had a 45 min nap and absolutely refused to take a second, that day he didn't even seem tired!
I'm thinking that its varying on his NW, when he's well rested 5hr A isn't enough, but if he's not well rested 5 hr A is just too much! The biggest problem with his night sleep is that he won't sleep more than 12 hours at night on a one nap schedule, and no more than 11 hours at night on 2 naps. He has only broken this rule one time in the last month.
So I'm thinking that I need to push through the OT, be 100% consistent and get him used to a set schedule. The only thing is that I can't figure out when his nap should be!
It hurts my heart to see him so tired. Please help!