Author Topic: No idea what the routine should go like to get in Solids and milk with 7mo  (Read 2298 times)

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Offline lotsofthings

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After lots of help from this forum our Ds is now just about going from 6.30pm-7am (I don't want to jinx it!)

He's a big baby 23lb and FF

Getting confused what the routine should be like and hoping for some pointers- I may well be doing it right but all of a sudden we are 2 bottles down- dream feed and lunch

I started with solids at 5mths and he has been doing well but having changed his routine to drop a sleep I think it's all a bit tight to get milk and solids in.  Tonight he has gone to bed having only had 2oz as he was over tired and I don't think hungry enough

This is how the typical day goes

7am- 7oz Milk
8am- breakfast
9.30/10- 11.30/12- sleep
12 lunch solids no bottle
2.30-4 sleep
4pm 7oz
5pm- dinner but always a bit faffy with solids
6.30/7pm Bed - 7oz

To get to 7pm is a battle he is bordering on overtired at times hence more often than not he is in bed by 6.40

He is also fairly constipated


Offline Lolly

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You need to keep milk as the main focus and solids are just for fun until he is 1 so ideally you need to offer the milk feeds first and then solids about an hour after. He needs to be taking at least 24 oz of liquid milk with solids as a bonus on top.

You first feed and breakfast is fine, but you need to give him a bottle at 12 and then solids about 1 hour after. The bottle after the nap is great, but if he doesn't eat anything after it's fine - 3 meals a day is a lot for a 7 month old, many are on solids just once or twice. If he had 3 good bottles during the day then it's not so bad if he takes less at his bedtime bottle because he is too tired.

Most babies drop to 3 bottles around 9/10 months.



Offline Violet's mom

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Just interested as I am at the same point with my LO and want to be included in this thread!


Offline Georgena

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Hi ladies,
My LO is 7 months, we dont have the perfect routine but i will post what i aim for, sometimes it helps to see other peoples routines.
Wu 6:30
E 7am milk
A 8am solids fruit puree with yog or baby cereal,sometimes i dont give cereal because of constipation
S 9:30 (ish)
E 11am milk
A 12 solid  veg puree, ie, squash w pear/ green beans and carrots etc
S 2pm
E 3/3:30 milk
A 4:30 solid light fruit puree like pear or i will try finger foods here.
Then play, bath,
E milk before bed, i struggle with OT here too!

The last solid meal is more of a play thing than an eating thing, im lucky as she took very well to solids and loves being in the chair and going through the motions of eating but i dont give too much as im having issues with NW due to tummy ach!!
Hope that helps a bit!  :) 

Offline Maria14

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DD is 7 months and is on three solid meals a day and practically dropped late morning feed-I give her milk in sippy cup but really have to push for her to have even 70 mls and I think she could probably go until lunch without milk if I didn't offer,but all her feeds seem to have reduced (she is breast fed and won't take both breasts as previously,just one at a time now..)
She is growing steadily so I am not worried about her not getting enough milk,she likes her solids,I am reluctant to cut them down..
Am just curious as to the actual volumes of solids that your LOs are having?..